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Alkaline Water? Alkalinized Water? Alkalinity? WTF?

Alkaline Water? Alkalinized Water? Alkalinity? WTF?

Tywon Hubbard is our alltime favorite expert on ‘alkaline water’. He’s also our alltime expert on molecular hydrogen, H2, and hydrogen water. He researches to such a degree that I believe everything he says.

In this video you’ll see him explain exactly what the terms you hear thrown about by water ionizer salesmen actually men. If you listen carefully, you’ll also discern the difference between naturally alkaline water and ionized water, and also between high pH water and true alkaline water.

If you are considering a water ionizer Tywon’s talk may save you thousands of dollars and a lot of heartache.

Tywon Hubbard talks about alkaline water.

.. and if you’d like to learn more about specific alternatives, we have plenty to share at our international website.

AlkaWay has been studying, designing and delivering alkaline water and hydrogen water systems for over 20 years. Based In Australia, with specialists in the UK, USA, Canada, EU, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand. Go to our website and you’ll be redirected to a specialist close to you.

We are the designers of our US-made UltraStream water filter, ionizer, alkalizer and hydrogen infuser, now sold worldwide.

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