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Dr Susan Brown: our first choice in alkaline diet advisors.

Dr Susan Brown: our first choice in alkaline diet advisors.

Alkaline diet is a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century now. It’s available to anyone, it’s natural, it’s not terribly expensive — and you don’t even need health insurance to use it.

Alkaline Water: is it really better for you?

Alkaline Water: is it really better for you?

We’ve seen many fad water marketing ideas come and go over the years. But one that seems to be sticking around is alkaline water. It’s the best of the best if you are a bottled water marketer.. but does it really help our health?

Feeling the Stress of Lockdown? Staying alkaline will help.

Feeling the Stress of Lockdown? Staying alkaline will help.

The lockdowns are something none of us like or want, and combined with – in so many cases – the fear of job loss, economic erosion, rears its ugly head. There’s a way to help that doesn’t involve a visit to the doctor or a prescription for ‘Mother’s Little Helpers”.

Alkaline Water; I drank it for 21 years.

Alkaline Water; I drank it for 21 years.

Alkaline water exposed by an expert: 21 years drinking it, making it and designing alkaline water systems. Perfect for anyone wondering if it really works.

Magnesium: Are you getting enough?

Magnesium: Are you getting enough?

Magnesium is the central element in chlorophyll and the basis of early life on the planet. (Which is a good thing when you consider all of the amazing things it does for us every day):

Alkaline Diet 101: Is an orange alkaline?

Alkaline Diet 101: Is an orange alkaline?

I’m going through some serious re-evaluation. You see, I’m getting queries from people about what is in the alkaline diet, and what’s not – as usual. After all, I wrote a book on it. But I’m beginning to see that there is so much more to the alkaline diet.

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