Stick around the water alkalizer industry for any time at all and someone will tell you Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg said that cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. If it was true, it’ d be really something. Sadly, it’s a marketing myth. Here’s what he really said: According to an article in the […]
Alkaline Balance
Learn how to gain alkaline balance through the right foods (alkaline diet) and alkaline water.
Benefits of Alkalizing
We run a great page on Facebook about alkaline diet. (You’re welcome to join!) Antreas is just one of over 1000 people I have got to know through the group and his post today was amazing. “Ian, the best way to harness a disease is to get informed and thank God for technological progression and […]
Metabolic Acidosis: Latest news
Metabolic Acidosis: The Modern Scourge Escalating Digestive Disorders Digestive disorders are now considered rampant and new evidence is pointing to the rise in metabolic acidosis, the new ‘disease of civilisation’, as the cause. by Toni Crisp (Nut Med) B Arts (Journalism) Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which the body produces too much acid or when […]
The Importance of Minerals in our water.
Reverse Osmosis water killing people? Yes. There’s a whole industry profiting from our concept of ‘pure’ water. And yet, we’ve never had ‘pure water’ in our whole history except, perhaps when we opened our mouths in a rain storm. Pure water is NOT natural, and this report really shows its effect. A new Israeli report states […]
Acid Base Balance and my skeleton
Dr Lynda Frassetto has been in alkaline diet and water pages all over the web for years, based on one important study she completed years ago. Today I discovered a newly uploaded version that reiterates her basic theory; that modern man has lost the ability to maintain a healthy acid-base metabolism. Heres the link, and here’s […]
Alkaline Water: The facts, nothing but the facts.
How long has it been since I first heard a doctor telling people we need no help in alkaline balance – that’s it ‘just happens naturally’? It began almost 15 years ago as I remember – and continues today. So.. I’m just a basic human. No degree. No white coat and stethoscope… but… Please explain […]
What is the MOST Alkalizing food you can find?
Firstly, we need to look at whether we are talking about ‘alkaline food’ or alkaline-supporting food. There are very, very few alkaline foods, but many foods that support us to alkalize in the body. This covers many interpretations, from the production of sodium bicarbonate in the stomach to improved support against acidifying inflammation. So I’m […]
Celery; another mainstay of the alkaline diet.
We recently posted about the amazing health benefits of the humble cucumber. But what salad is complete without a crunchy celery stick? Celery is often overlooked. many of us think of it as “crunchy water” and assume it has little nutritional value. Oh Boy, How wrong we can be! But I always have a problem […]
That old Villain Fructose is exposed as the ‘Dark Lord’ of the sugar family.
Fructose linked to gene damage Fructose is a natural sugar commonly found in fruits, corn and plants. So.. it’s ‘natural’, right? Must be Ok, right? Wrong. Especially now it’s used in many processed and ultra-processed food products and soft drinks as a cheap sweetener, usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Previous studies have […]
Alkaline Diet? A Seriously Easy Way to begin your Day.
OK, It’s a war zone ‘down there’. Or at least a ‘postwar zone. Your elimination system has been battling with acid overload all night, and in the early hours of the morning has assembled all that nasty acid in your bladder. That’s why your first ‘pee du jour’ is your most acidic. It’s obvious […]
Anti Inflammation Diet Update
Our friend Bert Middleton is the Gout Killer and this is a great post. Look when it was written! He’s still relevant today! Anti-Inflammatory Diet Published May 7, 2012 | By Bert Middleton This Is Where It All Begins. I hate to be the one to tell you but . . . you probably have gout […]
The Mighty Cucumber: Alkaliser of Champions! Alkaline diet? take Note!
Most people think cucumber is a vegetable ( technically a fruit) that we add as an afterthought in salads and side dishes. But it’s a ‘power’ alkaline diet essential, simply because it’s so easy to eat! But.. even I don’t see cucumbers in the grocery store and say, “Wow, I just gotta have those amazing cucumbers!” I […]