If you’ve ever used pH strips.. then used liquid pH reagent, you’ll know that the strips seem to read lower than the reagent when used to measure alkaline water. We’d have people calling us up to tell us their AlkaWay system wasn’t measuring up.. and eventually we got it! They were using pH strips. We […]
Alkaline Balance
Learn how to gain alkaline balance through the right foods (alkaline diet) and alkaline water.
How are YOU alkalizing? Baking Soda? Really?
Yes, Baking Soda will alkalize. So why should I buy a water ionizer? When someone is trying to sell you a $4000 water ionizer, here’sa simple question that will throw them right off their pitch. Here’s a sampling of what you may hear in response. “Too much baking soda isn’t good for you” “Too many side […]
Why Drinking bottled Alkaline Water is.. er.. DUMB
It’s pretty simple really. Most water supplies are already alkaline. So why are you paying premium dollars for bottled alkaline water – in plastic? Yes, we’ve all accepted that drinking alkaline water was good for us and the metastudy we have on our website proves it.. but no-one asked about the water they already drink […]
Question: Is the raw food diet the same as an Alkaline Diet?
Answer: A true “alkalarian diet” is 80% + raw, but “raw diets” are not always alkaline. The raw food diet is built on one basic premise… cooking your food destroys enzymes, leaches minerals, damages vitamins, and denatures antioxidants. All of which are true. The Alkaline Diet (acid – alkaline diet / pH diet) is built […]
Kale’s Secret Power
Kale – What You Probably Didn’t Know ‘cos you never thought to ask! Kale is simply one on the healthiest food choices you can put on your table. It’s a member of the cabbage family, power packed with vitamins A, K, C, with serious amounts of B vitamins as well as trace minerals. And… it’s low in carbs and calories. […]
The Importance of Selenium to our Natural Antioxidant Capability
We talk a lot about the antioxidant capability of molecular hydrogen on this page. Not only is it unique in selectively targeting the ‘baddie’ free radicals and leaving the ‘goodies’ alone, it also supports our natural antioxidant, glutathione. However.. I remind myself and anyone else interested in living longer that glutathione, our internal super-antioxidant needs […]
What’s your Calcium-Magnesium Ratio?
Most Calcium / Magnesium supplements are supplied in a ratio of 2:1. Recommendations vary from a 4:1 to a 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio. Some vendors and practitioners claim that calcium and magnesium oppose each other at the intracellular level, and therefore low magnesium intake causes high calcium storage, or calcification.Others maintain that magnesium is needed for proper calcium absorption, […]
Hydration: How much water should you be drinking? Really?
It’s a given that we all should be drinking more water to maintain health, but sometimes we need to question the timing of when we drink water. The most common question we get is whether it’s good to drink water before or during a meal. Or, if you drink water during a meal, does it alter your stomach’s digestive acids, […]
New AlkalIne Diet and what to do about those nasty cravings.
Almost everybody who starts our New Alkaline diet has to deal with cravings. I’m sure even Elle McPherson went through them. Unless you never ate sugar in your life, you’ve had cravings. Yet… knowing that it’s a common problem doesn’t make it any easier for you. We’ve found that these tactics help a lot. We are asking a […]
The BIG acid reduction hack that Elle McPherson would love.
3 Steps to Sugar, Carb and Acid freedom As a ‘normal’ Western Diet human, my years of processed foods, poor exercise levels, and “normal” western eating patterns literally programmed my body to burn NOTHING but calories and sugars from the foods I consume each day INSTEAD of burning off body fat that’s stored on your body. The most popular […]
The Alkaline Diet on $65 a week?
Ian and Cassie discuss the reality of living on a pension in Australia and eating good clean healthy food. Can it be done on $65 a week? What do you think? Ian Hamilton: Hi guys. Ian Hamilton and Cassie Bond again. We just got an email from a lady called Alma. I’m going to read […]
3 Digestion Hacks that Really work
Bad Digestion? Poor Absorption? 3 Simple Diet Hacks to get over it. Followers of our New Alkaline Diet are already well aware that your diet should be liberally supported by the ‘four horsemen’ of health, Calcium, Magnesium, potassium and sodium. Many alkaline diet promoters reckon that’s all you have to do.. but it isn’t so […]