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Orange Juice

Orange Juice vs. AlkaWay Water

Back at school, I was a coke freak. Coca Cola that is. Then I ‘got smart’ and began to care about my health so I went for the next dominant paradigm; orange juice. Now I drink water; alkaline hydrogen infused water. So what’s so bad about orange juice? Well, according to this article from the […]

Another unsourced ‘Safety Warning’ on alkaline water

This article was brought to my attention by a client who has been happily drinking our water for many years. She asked for my comments. I’ll add them below. I’m also going to colour red the phrases that actually have no purpose but to reinforce the point. It’s an ANTI alkaline water article and one reader […]

Am I reading right? Is this from an alkaline diet site?

OK, I admit it. I have changed my view of the alkaline diet drastically. I still believe we need to alkalize but the things I see and hear from alkaline diet practitioners sometimes leaves me gasping. Now before giving you the latest one, let me just fill in those new readers. I was vegetarian for […]

Is it Possible to Maintain Alkaline Balance on a Diet including Meat?

Here are the 13 reasons why our bodies, if given the right nutrition, will be so much more alkaline when including meat in the diet. 1.   On the Alkaline Paleo diet stress is greatly relieved.  Stress is the greatest acidifier and getting the right nutrition will calm the mind enormously.  It’s been both mine and Ian’s […]

Got enough Magnesium?

By William Davis, MD, author of Wheat Belly February 2007 Ian : Dr Davis’ latest best seller, Wheat Belly actually disagrees with eating some of the magnesium food sources in this article, which simply demonstrates that he has ‘moved on’. His Wheat Belly book changed the way we think about bread and grains. It’s controversial challenging and […]

Boost Your Dental Health: How Diet Affects Your Teeth

Percentages of Teeth Attacked By Dental Caries in Primitive and Modernized Groups From Statistics by Dr Weston A Price. Group:          Primitive Diet       Agrarian Diet Swiss                           4.60                   […]

alkasachets open bottle

Are you getting enough Magnesium?

When I take a moment to look at what magnesium does, it reminds me once again of the complexity and brilliance of the human body. And like all great and complex machines, it reminds me of the importance of ‘tuning’ it and giving it what it needs to carry out all those mindboggling daily tasks […]

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Are Orange alkaline?

I’m going through some serious re-evaluation. You see, I’m getting queries from people about what food is alkaline, and what’s not – as usual. After all, I wrote a book on it. But I’m beginning to see that there is so much more to the alkaline diet. Take an orange. By accepted alkaline theory, an […]

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