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Feeling the Stress of Lockdown? Staying alkaline will help.

Feeling the Stress of Lockdown? Staying alkaline will help.

The lockdowns are something none of us like or want, and combined with – in so many cases – the fear of job loss, economic erosion, rears its ugly head. There’s a way to help that doesn’t involve a visit to the doctor or a prescription for ‘Mother’s Little Helpers”.

Are you 23% Healthy or...

Are you 23% Healthy or…

Forget about the elections, climate change or Covid! Think about what this means in terms of the health of a nation! TERRIBLE results for USA health conditions.

Inflammation Control in a Glass.

How do you set yourself up for the day? A natural alkaline ‘shot’. I love to get up early, a bit of yoga, meditation without fail, a shower, a healthy paleo breakfast,and then out the door. Sound familiar?I think my morning routine is already exceptional. But I have a mighty elixir that compliments my regimen […]

Too Good to be True? In this case, no.

I’ve identified a telltale for MLM approaches. And I gotta say, we get a few! This morning it was ‘French Green Clay” and the big sell line was that the Israeli army uses it to get rid of chemical warfare effects. Then (and this is my ‘telltale’ sign of an MLM approach).. there is the […]

EFSA ignores cocktail effect of multiple pesticide residues in food

European Food Safety Authority: Hmm… seems they haven’t read their own name lately! The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a new  report: ‘The 2013 European Union report on pesticides in food’. The report, shows the results for almost 81,000 food samples from 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway”. Their Press Release of 12th March 2015 reports […]

Beetroot salad: a powerful alkalizing recipe. (Beets to you Americans!)

Dr Ben Kim has done it again! Red beets are especially rich in folate, which is why they are useful for lowering blood homocysteine and reducing risk of birth defects. If you have a problem with constipation, red beets and their green tops are likely to provide significant relief. Both are rich in fiber that […]

kale and other cruciferous vegetables

Eating kale and other cruciferous vegetables two to three times a week or, even better, four to five times a week, is an easy way to significantly boost your health. Just one cup of kale will flood your body with disease-fighting vitamins K, A, and C, along with respectable amounts of manganese, copper, B vitamins, […]

skin allergy person s arm scaled

The Herxheimer Reaction

We are posting this because, after 20 years of experience, we know that many people will have this happen to them when they change their daily health regimen, including beginning to alkalize. The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it may […]

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