Colitis is a hell of an ailment. It usually lasts for a lifetime. This new study brings some hope.

Most Australians are ignorant of the levels of inflammation they have in their body, nor the effect it is having on their health, vitality and longevity. These articles discuss ways we’ve discovered to reduce inflammation.
Colitis is a hell of an ailment. It usually lasts for a lifetime. This new study brings some hope.
Here at AlkaWay we can’t make you eat food that is pure, and it now appears that even organic foods direct from organic farms is a carrier of PFAs.
Inflammation can be both a result and the root cause of most chronic illnesses… But here’s what they’re not telling you.
This week, Ed told me he has Covid. He described all of the symptoms and confessed to having absolutely no idea how he could have contracted it.
Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection. Where to find the foods that affect you.
There’s more to immunity than exposure to contagious viruses like COVID.
Inflammation, inflammation, inflammation: it’s everywhere on the net and used to sell millions of dollars worth of supplements. We are proud of the anti-inflammation properties of I LOVE H2, our molecular hydrogen supplement, but are ready to admit that diet always come first as our preferred health strategy. So we were excited to read that […]
In the fitness world, inflammation often gets bad press. It is perceived as an enemy of the body simply because when we are inflamed we usually experience some form of injuries and chronic pain. It’s certainly true that inflammation can be associated with almost every major health problem we have in medicine today. So… when […]
OK, It’s a war zone ‘down there’. Or at least a ‘postwar zone. Your elimination system has been battling with acid overload all night, and in the early hours of the morning has assembled all that nasty acid in your bladder. That’s why your first ‘pee du jour’ is your most acidic. It’s obvious […]
Our friend Bert Middleton is the Gout Killer and this is a great post. Look when it was written! He’s still relevant today! Anti-Inflammatory Diet Published May 7, 2012 | By Bert Middleton This Is Where It All Begins. I hate to be the one to tell you but . . . you probably have gout […]
What single biological function has been essential to every living organism’s growth, health and advancement – and is more important than any other? It’s called cell signalling; the ability for one cell in the body to ‘talk’ to another. Now here’s another question for you. What biological process does one in every three pharmaceutical drugs […]
How do you set yourself up for the day? A natural alkaline ‘shot’. I love to get up early, a bit of yoga, meditation without fail, a shower, a healthy paleo breakfast,and then out the door. Sound familiar?I think my morning routine is already exceptional. But I have a mighty elixir that compliments my regimen […]