What you really need to be aware of when trying to measure molecular hydrogen concentration in hydrogen rich water.
Molecular Hydrogen
What is molecular hydrogen and how can you get it, in water, by inhalation and more. Studies, factoids, more.
Want the real info on Molecular hydrogen as a therapy? You got it!
Tyler Lebaron IS Molecular Hydrogen. It must be six years before I ‘discovered’ him. He was on a facebook group talking about electric water ionizers and the fact that alkalinity wasn’t what gave us the benefit of the water they produced. He was facing serious opposition from people invested in the idea they had been sold on by their upline MLM-er.
Molecular Hydrogen: can it help Brain Fog?
We get many, many inquiries about what molecular hydrogen is capable of. It’s understandable: there are now well over 1000 studies of the effects of inhalation or ingestion of molecular hydrogen.. and they look too good to be true. (See them all here) Tywon Hubbard is a champion of H2. he champions its use through […]
Hydrogen: The Birthplace of Life Itself.
Amazingly, the occurrence of hydrogen in our universe was almost happenstance. It depended on an infinitely small mass difference between two subatomic particles called quarks.
AlkaWay Hydrogen Tablets. What’s it all about?
hydrogen water could be just one more tool to add to your box. With no discernable side effects, no calories, and tons of success stories, hydrogen water could help men and women, young and old alike.
Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt… much
Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water during and after exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular endurance, but a study using HRW for resistance training shows it can improve muscular resilience as well.
Does Hydrogen Water have Side Effects?
This excellent article from Alex Tarnava, inventor of our Alkaway Hydrogen tablets give everything you need to know about his dissolvable H2 tablets.
The Best Molecular hydrogen Tablets… and Why.
The questions of “What are the best molecular hydrogen tablets?”, “Why are the Drink HRW molecular hydrogen tablets the best?”, and “How do Drink HRW molecular hydrogen tablets compare to “X” brand molecular hydrogen tablets?” come up every day. Here’s the drfinitive answer.
Molecular Hydrogen and Marijuana
Can your Hydrogen infused water help your grow this year? Yes!
The Science is coming.. COVID-19 and Molecular Hydrogen
A new study on the effectiveness of inhaled molecular hydrogen for lung health and COVID-19 support.
Hydrogen v Caffeine in the Sleep Deprived
Molecular Hydrogen can be as effective as caffeine in increasing alertness when sleep deprived, but in different ways. Learn the science and beat the morning drag.
Our Hydrogen Tablets Inventor – featured in Entrepreneur magazine.
Meet the inventor of our I LOVE H2 Ultra Hydrogen Tablets, Alex Tarnava.