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Colitis. Ouch. cover

Colitis. Ouch.

Colitis is a hell of an ailment. It usually lasts for a lifetime. This new study brings some hope.

Our Water Future?? cover

Our Water Future??

We are water people. We don’t just think about water: we ARE water. So a planet that has too little water is.. incomprehensible. What can we do?

Can Your Drinking Water Affect Your Gut Biome? cover

Can Your Drinking Water Affect Your Gut Biome?

Arsenic is the silent and slow killer in our drinking water.. yet millions still slowly accumulate it in their daily draught straight from the tap. Here’s what you can do.

Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt... much

Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt… much

Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water during and after exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular endurance, but a study using HRW for resistance training shows it can improve muscular resilience as well.

Does Hydrogen Water have Side Effects? cover

Does Hydrogen Water have Side Effects?

This excellent article from Alex Tarnava, inventor of our Alkaway Hydrogen tablets give everything you need to know about his dissolvable H2 tablets.

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