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Lifetime Warranties. The difference between USA and Australia

We’ve been intrigued to see some water ionizer companies offering lifetime warranties on their electronic water ionizers. Having been in the business longer than all the companies we watch offering this, we understand how long an electronic water ionizer will last and what sort of support it requires as it gets older.. and we’ve wondered […]

How to eat, exercise and live.

How long should you take to consume a healthy meal, once you discover that perfect diet? How long does should you take to chew a cup of broccoli or a bunch of raw kale so that it’s  soft enough to digest? How many minutes every day do we need to spend to be healthy, fit, and […]

Are you drinking enough Water? 

“How much water should I drink each day?” is one of the most popular Google search terms in the world. Unfortunately there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to hydration. Aside from helping digestion and absorption of food, water regulates body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells and removes toxins and other […]

Lemon and Greens

We use lemon on almost everything. It’s so important to us that even when lemons are out of season we still buy the expensive imported ones. But WHY is lemon so good on greens? When we lived in Italy it was normal for every meal to be accompanied with lemons. As normal as a side […]

What happens if you drink ten Cokes a day? Drinking sugar: an experiment.

“Here’s what I plan to do:  I’m going to follow my normal diet and activity program, but I’m going to make one simple change: I’m also going to drink ten Cokes a day. I got a complete physical before I began, so I’ll know where my my numbers are for blood sugar, inflammation levels, cholesterol, […]

Long Distance Running and hydrogen water

Ultra Runner Stutisheel Oleg Lebediev completed the official longest race in the world this past summer. The race was done in laps on the streets of Queens, New York in July-August 2014 for a total of 3,1000 miles. Ukranian Lebediev drank hydrogen rich ionizedwater in preparation for and during his 2014 3,100 mile race. In […]

What you don’t know about FAT

Along with proteins and carbohydrates, fat is an essential nutrient that provides energy for the body. Fat not only serves a metabolic function, but also plays a structural role in the building of cell membranes. Fat is found primarily beneath the skin and is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Fat also helps to cushion and protect […]

Think this through with me. Diabetes = Dumb and Dumber.

A new report from Science Daily tells us that diabetes in midlife determines a high probability of cognitive decline 20 years later. So.. we’re looking at a nation of senior morons! Ouch! And yet diabetes is SO unnecessary! The study is a rather personal message for me because I experienced what we believe to be […]

Are you for real?

I stumbled upon an article by a well known alkaline diet practitioner. This article suggests a diet of his supplements taken daily for what he calls ‘natural blood building. Perhaps I’m naive.. but.. can you imagine taking all this every day? 1)  Drink 250ml of XXXXXXX  liquid Chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is the concentrated blood of green plants […]

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