[iframe src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/2826881/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/theme/standard” height=”45″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] This part 2 titled Filtration is from a three part series on hydration, filtration, and ionization. This was recorded Monday March 10th, 2014 the day after the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA March 7th through the 9th where we had a booth in the Next […]
Uncategorized Articles
All the crazy articles we’ve written over 22 years.
Episode: 003 Water Ionization and Alkaline Water
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/2826876/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/theme/standard” height=”45″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] This part 3 titled Ionization is from a three part series on hydration, filtration, and ionization. This was recorded Monday March 10th, 2014 the day after the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA March 7th through the 9th where we had a booth in the […]
Underarm deodorants with underhand ingredients
A chemical found in deodorants, face creams and food products has been discovered in the tumours of ALL breast cancer patients. The study, published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, took 160 tumour samples from mastectomy patients and 99% of them were found to contain at least one paraben. Hmmm…what the most alarming thing here? The fact that there […]
Sometimes it just happens…
When your business is on the web there’s often a strange ‘disconnect’ that happens. You pump info into ‘the machine’ and if you’re lucky, something comes out the other end. All very ‘inhuman’. Most of the time you feel like you’re cloud punching – lots of effort but never really touching anyone. I began my […]
If you’re familiar with the importance that hormones play in our day to day lives, you are probably quite familiar with Oxytocin. It is well known for being an integral part of feelings of romantic and social bonding. It is also an extremely important thing for new mothers as it plays a key role in […]
What do YOU do with YOUR Wipes?
I’m plugged into a lot of news sites so I learn some very interesting things along the way. One that came to my attention yesterday was this article on the high cost incurred by the habit of dropping kitchen ‘wipes’ down the toilet. Here’s the article.
New Podcast!
Hooray! John Biethan, our man on the ground in USA also happens to be an accomplished health podcaster. These first 3 podcasts are the first of many and were done in a noisy Anaheim restaurant with myself and Graham, our GM. Click on the image to have a listen.
The Inhumanity of the Web overcome.
When your business is on the web there’s often a strange ‘disconnect’ that happens. You pump info into ‘the machine’ and if you’re lucky, something comes out the other end. All very ‘inhuman’. Most of the time you feel like you’re cloud punching – lots of effort but never really touching anyone. I began my […]
Laetrile; Cancer expert spills the beans.
Anyone who begins delving into alternative cancer soon hears about Laetrile, which comes from apricot kernels. It’s an alternative that never seems to go away. Dr Ralph Moss is a cancer crusader. He has taken it upon himself to report on all new or promising cancer therapies no matter where they come from. This talk […]
More on Vitamin C vs. Molecular Hydrogen
Given that an average orange has around 70mg of Vitamin C, and megadoses commonly suggested for serious disease are in the range of 1000mg, this equates to 14 oranges. I love oranges but that doesn’t seem a good way to go. I think my bowels may have something to say about that! So what’s the […]
Weight Loss from AlkaWay Water?
We’ve had many reports from our clients about weight loss, but of course we can’t actually CLAIM weight loss capability because we haven’t done a $2,000,000 double blind placebo study! However what we can say is rats lose weight and if it’s good enough for rats… Check out the scientific report right here. What we […]
Weight loss with AlkaWay Water?
We’ve had many reports from our clients about weight loss, but of course we can’t actually CLAIM weight loss capability because we haven’t done a $2,000,000 double blind placebo study! However what we can say is rats lose weight and if it’s good enough for rats..