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Installing a faucet in a granite kitchen benchtop

Granite counters create instant impact in a kitchen or bathroom. The solid stone looks and feels expensive. If you are installing your own granite counter, and if you are using an undermount sink, you will need to drill the faucet holes in the granite counter prior to installing the faucet. Typically, the style of faucet […]

Too expensive?

My business Guru, Seth Godin, talked today about value of things. He used this example: ” A $400 bottle of water is too expensive to just about everyone, even to people with more than $500 in the bank. They have the cash, but they sure don’t want to spend it, not on something they think […]

Prostate Cancer; Did you get it from your baby food?

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in the United States. According to the National Cancer Institute, 15 percent of U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives. A new study published in January 2014 attempts to pinpoint why these numbers are so high and they have […]

Magnesium in Water and Hip Fracture: more evidence comes in.

We spent quite some time last year summarizing over 100 scientific studies on the effects of hard water on health around the world, including hip fractures. The results were quite unequivocal and we have actually published our own findings here. Apart from the obvious conclusion that hard (alkaline) water is good for us, there was also […]

Do you REALLY want to heal?

This morning Cassie and I were discussing people (ourselves) and their apparent reluctance to accept healing. It came about because in the last week two of our staff have come down with what they identified as food poisoning. One was our son, Neil, who must’ve been feeling very bad because he woke us up in […]

Alzheimers and Diet

New evidence shows that sugar, a highly processed diet and nitrates in food and fertilizers may be the cause of our Alzheimer’s epidemic. Every 68 seconds, another person in the US  develops Alzheimer’s disease, making it the sixth leading cause of death and one of the fastest-growing  illnesses in the West (affecting 5.4 million American adults, and 26 million worldwide). Governments in the US and UK are so […]

Chlorine – chemical additives in water

When it comes to chemical additives in water one of the biggest things that keeps me skeptical of the way it is done is the fact that it is done without our consent. We have no choice. I believe that if it was in our best interest then we would at least have a choice […]

Athletic Performance. How much do you need to win?

Would you drink water to win a race? It appears a good guzzle of UltraStream water may give you extra yards at the finish line. “In the current study we tested the hypothesis that an acute (7 days) intake of an alkaline negative oxidative reduction potential formulation (NORP) drink would reduce the rate of blood […]

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Just what did Dr Otto Warburg REALLY say?

Dr. Otto Warburg’s Address to Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany  “There are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plague is the plague bacillus, but secondary causes of the plague are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from rats to […]

Strontium, PFOA and toxic chemicals found in one-third of U.S. water supply

As reported by Mike Adams, Health Ranger, one in 3 water supplies in the US is.. well, how else can I say it.. dangerous. Mike reports: “You may want to think twice before further drinking or even bathing in unfiltered tap water, as a new report set to be published next year has found that […]

What’s Your ‘Immunity Plan”?

As a kid I worked with my brother-in-law on his sheep farm. At shearing time it was my job to herd the sheep into the yards that fed into the hearing shed. Two things amazed me. One was that if just one sheep decided it saw an obstacle in the race, it would jump as […]

Am I reading right? Is this from an alkaline diet site?

OK, I admit it. I have changed my view of the alkaline diet drastically. I still believe we need to alkalize but the things I see and hear from alkaline diet practitioners sometimes leaves me gasping. Now before giving you the latest one, let me just fill in those new readers. I was vegetarian for […]

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