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Moving House? Check your water supply!

Let’s face it, the water never tastes the same in the new house as it did in the old one. If you move from the city into the county or from the suburbs into the city, your water will taste differently. Every area has different sources for their water. If you are in Portland, Oregon, […]

Informed Florida Residents KNOW how poisoned they are.

Florida now has a realtime webpage that residents can view to see the latest trihalomethane count in their drinking water. THM’s are chlorine byproducts and the unsolved problem of the most common method of water purification. To quote the site, “TTHMs are four organic chemicals which form as byproducts of chlorination. When chlorine is added […]

Magnesium for old brains

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and the serious issues of cognitive health will be in the spotlight in the coming weeks. The medical community agrees that cognitive impairment (CI), ranging from mild to severe, is almost epidemic in the U.S. as the Baby Boomer generation is aging and living longer. Scientists believe one reason […]

ORP in your blood?

We’ve been talking about ORP for as long as we’ve been in business – over 13 years.  For those of you not aware of it, it’s an indication of the antioxidant power (or oxidant power) of water. An Oxidation/Reduction Potential meter measures the positive or negative electrical charge of the water in millivolts. We’ve come quite […]

Cairo Egypt? No, Cairo USA has water problems.

CAIRO Illinois residents say the city’s tap water doesn’t look safe to drink after some new changes from the water company. Cairo citizens are now getting their water supply from the ground, rather than the Ohio River, due to repairs at the water treatment plant. Many say they are not happy with the quality of […]

pH vs. AlkalInity and Acid

pH is different than acidity. pH is just a measurement of the activity of the H3O+ ion. Acidity is an intrinsic property of the molecule and has reference the its pKa. In other words one molecule like HCl will become H+ and Cl- virtually 100% in water (pKa -9.3), but something like acetic acid will […]

New Report: 100+ studies of alkaline water

Yes, it’s arrived. Grab it here. It’s been a long and pretty boring debate between ‘regular’ water filter vendors and alkaline water vendors, but frankly, the party is over. A hundred studies from around the world absolutely conclude that given the choice of drinking alkaline water and neutral or acid water, you’re better off on […]

US Hospitals: Abandon hope (of paying the bill) all ye who enter here.

A woman enters a Connecticut hospital with chest pains. She is examined and is released after four hours once it has been determined there is nothing wrong. The bill: $21,000. A monthlong stay in a Dallas hospital for treatment of pneumonia cost more than $474,000, less than 20 percent of which was covered by insurance. […]

N.E.W. Water Better than Acid Water because it’s not acid!

Now that inquiries for electric water ionizers are dropping off, vendors are finding new ways to promote the benefits of the byproduct water of the electrolysis process, namely acid water. Given the right (slow) flow rate, most 7+ plate water ionizers can produce the acid pH necessary for effective antibacterial action. The pH is known; […]

The no BS list of Pointers for water ionizer buyers.

My friend Rob Thomas posted this list of requirements he thinks are important for water ionizer buyers. 1) All water ionizers work in terms of providing free hydrogen (energy) which is responsible for numerous health benefits 2) There are two kinds of water ionizers…electric and natural 3) The best drinking water is “clean” (contaminants removed) […]

Is it Possible to Maintain Alkaline Balance on a Diet including Meat?

Here are the 13 reasons why our bodies, if given the right nutrition, will be so much more alkaline when including meat in the diet. 1.   On the Alkaline Paleo diet stress is greatly relieved.  Stress is the greatest acidifier and getting the right nutrition will calm the mind enormously.  It’s been both mine and Ian’s […]

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