This video really helped me to understand why all grains are a problem. I didn’t actually really get it before and thought what’s wrong with buckwheat? Or millet? Why do I still get sick eating these grains they don’t have gluten do they? Well yes they do – and they can harm the gut wall […]
Uncategorized Articles
All the crazy articles we’ve written over 22 years.
Am I a Victim Because I Can’t Eat Wheat, Sugar and Lots of Carbs?
Can’t we ever eat like a ‘normal person’ again and be healthy? “Why can’t I just eat like a normal person?” is a frequent cry I hear from my fellow sufferers. Eating like a ‘normal person’ in this era of such a high carbohydrate and processed diet cannot be sustained by most people without they […]
Why Red Cabbage Sauerkraut is SO good! (plus a recipe)
There are many, many good reasons for eating homemade red cabbage sauerkraut! Sauerkraut is a natural probiotic which helps gut bacteria to become healthy. Sauerkraut aids the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to increase digestion Sauerkraut is easy to digest as the cellulose has been broken down so bad bacteria in the gut don’t […]
Salt, The Much Maligned Substance That is Essential To Our Health
On an Alkaline Paleo Diet We Need More Salt Because: Eating a high carbohydrate diet the kidneys will hold onto too much salt. When we restrict carbohydrates our kidneys release the salt which takes water with it. Such is the natriuretic (excretion of large amounts of sodium in the urine) effect of low carbohydrate eating that we have to add salt to our […]
The Alkaline Paleo Foods
These are your Healing Foods!: Meats: Pasture fed where possible Chicken (free-range) Beef- (Could be a problem initially if you have milk sensitivities) Emu Goat Lamb/Mutton Ostrich Pork Duck Turkey Offal meats Ostrich Bacon (without nitrates) Crispy Pork Rind (homemade) Liver – Liver from land mammals is high in vitamin A but low in vitamin D, […]
Why the Alkaline Paleo Diet?
Why a Diet At All? Why Not Just a Pill or a Superfood to Fix My Particular Ailment? When I took a pharmaceutical drug, a vitamin pill, a natural remedy or a superfood I became aware that these remedies might give me some relief from my particular ailment temporarily…. but that any remedy, be it […]
Why has the Alkaline Paleo Diet Made Me SO Clear Thinking with Such an Even Mood?
All the Amino Acids are Necessary for An Easy Going Mood I just listened to a doctor explain another reason why I am so happy and clearing minded on the Alkaline Paleo diet! Apart from the fact that I am just healthy and getting all the nutrition my brain and body needs there’s even more […]
The Astounding Information Available on The Paleo Diet/Low Carb, High Fat Diet.
What I have found out about the Paleo diet is that people on it seem to be such givers. The information that these people are contributing in blogs is astounding and most of it seems to be given in the spirit of truly wanting to help people get healthy. I also love the fact that […]
A Brain Tumour Shrinks- a testimonial from someone on this diet
The Testimonial October 3rd 2011 The other day I went to my neuro-oncologist to get my bi-annual MRI as I have a brain tumor that was discovered in 2001. Do you know what she said to me, the tumor had remarkably shrunk. It is a benign tumor but it has actually shrunk. I remember being […]
Boost Your Dental Health: How Diet Affects Your Teeth
Percentages of Teeth Attacked By Dental Caries in Primitive and Modernized Groups From Statistics by Dr Weston A Price. Group: Primitive Diet Agrarian Diet Swiss 4.60 […]
To fruit or not to fruit?
We are very happy to have our very own Naturopath, Nicola Simpson joining us at AlkaWay. Today we decided that with Nicola’s help, we would tackle a few dominant paradigms together. This morning was our first brainstorm and the subject was whether the fruit is actually bad for us, or the golden dream food we […]