OK, It’s a war zone ‘down there’. Or at least a ‘postwar zone. Your elimination system has been battling with acid overload all night, and in the early hours of the morning has assembled all that nasty acid in your bladder. That’s why your first ‘pee du jour’ is your most acidic. It’s obvious […]
Uncategorized Articles
All the crazy articles we’ve written over 22 years.
What Would You Do?
Biosecurity. What does it mean to you? Germ warfare? Clean air? Clean water? All of these things, obviously relate to our home and personal biosecurity. And a prudent citizen has performed their due diligence in these matters, for the sake of themselves, their family and their livestock. many, many people have seen fit to trust […]
Bottled Water Found To Contain Over 24,000 Chemicals, Including Endocrine Disruptors
Things are changing. Widespread consumer demand for plastic products that are free of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) has precipitated some significant positive changes in the way that food, beverage and water containers are manufactured. That’s the good news. But a new study out of Germany has found that thousands of other potentially harmful chemicals are […]
Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides: New links discovered
Pulse (Lentil) farmers in Victoria are contracting Parkinson’s Disease at a rate far beyond the rest of the Australian populace. A new study suggests recorded cases of Parkinson’s, based on medication use, are 78% higher than average in Buloke, 76% higher in Horsham, 57% higher in Northern Grampians and 34% higher in Yarriambiack – all […]
Toxins in your kitchen. Is there an alternative? Yes.
Last week, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a new edition of its Guide to Healthy Cleaning, an accessible database listing the health hazards and environmental concerns for more than 2,500 products used in the home. Since last update, hundreds of new products grace our supermarket shelves. “Cleaning products expose Americans daily to chemicals linked to asthma, allergic […]
Is this why our kids may be heading for early Alzheimers?
A large, multi-center study led by the UC Davis School of Medicine for the first time has shown that people as young as their 40s have stiffening of the arteries that is associated with subtle structural damage to the brain that is implicated in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease later in life. A collaboration of […]
An Answer to the Plastic Bottle Problem?
Know how long a plastic water bottle can take to decompose? Up to 1000 years. Know how many bottles of water America alone drinks in a single year? approximately 50 billion. Scared yet? You should be, because unless we start firing our garbage out of giant cannons and into the sun, it’s safe to say […]
How much does it take to get people to give up acidic sugar?
In Thailand they believe it takes a lot. In order to raise awareness about the dangers that sugar poses to our health, The Diabetes Association of Thailand commissioned Thai designer Nattakong Jaengsem to come up with a campaign that would encourage the public to reduce their sugar intake. And as you can see from the […]
Why we continue to lab test our UltraStream water filter.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals contribute to reproductive health problems experienced by hundreds of thousands of women, costing European Union an estimated €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) a year in health care expenditures and lost earning potential. ~ Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The study examined rates of uterine fibroids — benign tumors on the uterus […]
Alzheimers and lost memories. Are they really lost?
Alzheimer’s disease may cause us to forget faces, where we left familiar objects… even where we are… because our brains cannot find where we put those memories! At least that’s what a new study suggests. The study, reported in Nature1, challenges the assumption that Alzheimer’s prevents the brain from making new memories. It also suggests that brain stimulation may temporarily […]
Your Brain after a Big Mac
Devoted soda drinkers began to lose their minds when an infographic outlining the harmful effects a single can of Coca-Cola has on the body in one hour began circulating the Internet. Now a new infographic has revealed what a Big Mac from McDonald’s can do to the body in the same amount of time. In […]
Your Fave Fries a Carcinogen?
Just in time for National Potato Chip Day, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a guidance for the food industry on ways to reduce a potential carcinogen in the salty snack food, as well as in French fries. Starchy foods, such as bagels, were recently targeted for being linked to lung cancer. Now officials are […]