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Travel Water Filter Bottle: Is it really necessary?

Travel Water Filter Bottle: Is it really necessary?

Why do I carry an OKO travel water bottle whenever I travel? This article from Sherry Brescia sums it up pretty well! I’ll never forget the day a waterborne bug caught up with me in Northern India. Twenty one days later I emerged from a Nepal hospital 20 kilos lighter .

AlkaWay: Achievements and Milestones


What’s Your Future Sanitising Strategy?

What’s Your Future Sanitising Strategy?

Personally, even though I live in what might be one of the better and healthier places on the planet, I reluctantly realised that it’s time I got serious about formulating a future immunity strategy. Not just a strategy for viruses: a strategy for optimal immunity! So I’m going to talk about strategies I think I should have had in place way before this latest crisis. These are health strategies for a lifetime.

A Few Words from Erin Brokovich that just About Summarize why you need the best water filter you can afford. Now.

A Few Words from Erin Brokovich that just About Summarize why you need the best water filter you can afford. Now.

“We are in a water crisis beyond anything you can imagine. Pollution and toxins are everywhere, stemming from the hazardous wastes of industry and agriculture. We’ve got more than 40,000 chemicals on the market today with only a few hundred regulated. We’ve had industrial byproducts discarded into the ground and into our water supply for years. This crisis affects everyone – rich or poor, black or white, Republican or Democrat. Communities everywhere think they are safe when they are not.

Water Filtration considerations when I bought my place.

As I was awaiting settlement, I had time to consider what water filter I would get, if any. Maybe it wasn’t worth going to the expense of buying a filter when I won’t be there to use it for long. On the very first day I got the keys I decided that absolutely YES. It was going to be worth it. I almost spat out the first mouthful of town water I had. Then there was the shower to consider and is a chlorine chamber really all that bad.

Why All Australians need to look at a water filter

This report comes from Water technologist Neil Sweeney. He is passionate about clean water. Here’s his facebook page. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AUSTRALIA WITH WATER INFRASTRUCTURE? If we are to go by the latest media reports, current water guidelines and the current state of disrepair of the mains pipe delivery system in our country then […]

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