Could it be true? American government cutting funding for clean water??
Water Health
Water Health is a life essential. Without clean water, daily water consumption becomes a slow road to ill health. Articles on all aspects of water health.
Reverse Osmosis: Pros and Cons.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a popular water filtration technology, but it has its drawbacks. It requires softened water, wastes a lot of water, and removes beneficial minerals. Before installing an RO system, consider the potential issues and explore alternative technologies. #waterfiltration #ROprosandcons
Do I need a water filter?
Just Why Do I Need A Water Filter For My House? Water authorities in Australia have established guidelines that ensure the safety and appearance of tap water. These guidelines include passing health requirements and tests for turbidity, colour, taste, and odour. Despite this, some water treatments used for distribution across cities may introduce harmful contaminants […]
Pesticides Stronger Than Ever: BAD NEWS for our water supply!
Researchers publishing in Science discovered that despite reducing the use of pesticides, the new alternatives -pyrethroid and neonicotinoids pesticides has increased toxicity to non-target organisms substantially.
Travel Water Filter Bottle: Is it really necessary?
Why do I carry an OKO travel water bottle whenever I travel? This article from Sherry Brescia sums it up pretty well! I’ll never forget the day a waterborne bug caught up with me in Northern India. Twenty one days later I emerged from a Nepal hospital 20 kilos lighter .
Does Hydrogen Water have Side Effects?
This excellent article from Alex Tarnava, inventor of our Alkaway Hydrogen tablets give everything you need to know about his dissolvable H2 tablets.
A New Look at Kidney Stones.
These amazing images of kidney stones show why you may be in excruciating pain. They are, frankly, self-explanatory.
Have you stopped supplements to be healthy? Or do you just think you have?
Ever wonder whether the drugs you ceased taking might still be getting into you? In your water?
When Your Water is BAD… Do You Hear About it?
Rounding up Roundup: A Witches’ Brew of Contamination Glyphosate and Fluoride make lead problems in water worse. To make matters worse, widespread glyphosate use can make water more effective when it comes to stripping lead from pipes.
Why You May Not Be Drinking enough Water. Just a Theory!
AlkaWay Founder Ian Blair Hamilton discusses the reason so many of us DON’T drink enough water.
Why People Don’t Buy the AlkaWay UltraStream Water Filter.
We get it. Some people don’t understand how ‘just water’ matters in their lives. So we decided to list the most common reasons people give us.
Does your water filter increase ‘forever’ toxins in your drinking water? Find out!
This new study exposes what we’ve understood for quite some time: that the promises of many, many water filter and water alkalizer companies are hollow.