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Greens – the fast, affordable way to get your veggie intake every day cover

Greens – the fast, affordable way to get your veggie intake every day

A recent article by ABC News has reflected on the latest report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) that shows most Aussie adults consume a lot less than the recommended five servings of vegetables per day.

In fact, the statistics show that 96% of men and 87% of women do not eat enough vegetables on a daily basis. So why do we find it such a challenge to meet the vegetable quota even when we know it’s great for our health and well-being?

We’re too busy

The article states that our busy lifestyle is one reason that our vegetable intake is low. Accredited Sports Dietitian, Gaye Rutherford says, “Vegetables are not as much of a convenience food, if you are on the go or looking for really easy, portable options, they don’t tend to be the first thing people reach for”. Time constraints can also be a barrier to preparing meals or snacks with vegetables.

Vegetables are expensive

The ABC article also points out that some fresh foods are very expensive at the moment: With floods and prolonged wet weather across eastern Australia pushing up the price of some vegetables, for example, iceberg lettuce, which currently costs around $6.50 at some Woolworths supermarkets. Put that together with other rising cost-of-living pressures and it’s easy to understand why healthy vegetables can get scrubbed off the shopping list.

Increasingly hard to get

The article also highlights easy access as a reason our diets are lacking in fresh vegetables. “A lot of satellite communities only have fast food outlets, and there aren’t the grocers where they can buy the fresh produce from,” Emma Rowell, from community education group, Family Food Patch, is quoted as saying. Plus, certain vegetables – for example, leafy greens – can be hard to get out of season.

Two fast fixes

  1. Tinned or frozen vegetables are a good way to get five servings of vegetables into your diet. “Don’t be scared to get it frozen, there is no stigma around using frozen food; not everyone is privileged enough to have a farmers market at the end of their road,” Ms Rowell said.
  2. Get your Greens in powdered form. What began as a niche health product is fast becoming a morning staple for one simple reason. One spoonful of Greens with your smoothie or water fulfils your daily greens allowance, equalling 5 serves of fresh veggies in nutritional value. Not only that, you’re guaranteed to be getting 100% organic, with no pesticides and no fungicides! Of course, some Greens powders are better than others.

Special formula

At AlkaWay we are serious about maintaining an alkaline balance and keeping up our supply of antioxidants. That’s why AlkaWay’s Greens are formulated by a nutritional expert to give you exactly what you need. This means you can get the anti-ageing, alkalising and antioxidant effects of this amazing and unique Greens Powder. Not to mention the estimated 3 hours a week you’ll save on buying, prepping, cooking and consuming a mountain of Greens!

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