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Kris Kristofferson’s Alzheimers a false alarm.

This story highlights the crossover diagnosis that I am hearing about more often. And it’s exacerbated by the prevailing attitude of the established medical fraternity to Lyme disease. The US is ahead of us here in Australia where it’s not even considered a ‘real’ disease. So I was not surprised at this article about Kris Kristofferson.

Six years ago I was suffering all of the symptoms of early onset Alzheimers. I won’t detail my experience, but if anyone is interested it’s all in the video below.

I have a closer friend whose partner suffered as much through the misdiagnosis of her Lyme’s disease as she did from the disease. Spending over $100,000 with various practitioners, but traditional and alternative, she went through a living hell not only of disease but also of the feeling of complete loss of control as diagnosis after diagnosis failed her.

We eventually gave her a bottle of I LOVE H2. She was a fitness fanatic, but of course in her state she was not even capable of her reputation as ‘The runner” that she had earned at the gym with her marathon treadmill sessions.

She’s back and running today. We can’t claim to be a part of her healing because I LOV E H2 is simple a sports supplement, but what we can say was that when she came in to see us, we just didn’t recognise this beautiful, glowing new woman.

Here’s a  comment I just received from my friend, her partner on this article.

“Thanks for that Ian. Until my partner was clinically diagnosed as having Lyme Disease she simply thought she was “losing it” emotionally, mentally and physically. It’s so easy to classify a person with all these weird symptoms and expressions as simply hyperchondriac, especially because of the amount of anxiety, depression and endless fatigue that come with such a shut down of the endocrine system.”

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