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Long Distance Running and hydrogen water

Ultra Runner Stutisheel Oleg Lebediev completed the official longest race in the world this past summer.

The race was done in laps on the streets of Queens, New York in July-August 2014 for a total of 3,1000 miles.

Ukranian Lebediev drank hydrogen rich ionizedwater in preparation for and during his 2014 3,100 mile race. In pre-race training he drank it every 5km.”

“I definitely felt that water is live, healthy and tasty…Beside many other factors, I believe that ionized water helped me to gain quite a good shape prior to the start and did my longest training 73 km and my longest weekend training of 73+47 km with a steady pace and strong energy flow,”

His doctor was on hande to administer a fresh brew of the water every six hours, but he also drank city tap water that had been filtered with a about 10-20% of the time. Dr Kausal performed testing with Lecher antenna, pulse reading, and kinesiology.

Lebediev attributes ionized water to making the supplements he was taking have a much stronger effect in comparison to previous training years. He also noted that he was able to go without anti-acid pills on all but two of the 48 days of the race whereas in previous years he had to take them every other day.

He finished the race in 48 days 3 hours 57 minutes and 19 seconds (an average of 64.4 miles per day) and transcended his previous personal best by almost 9 hours.

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