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Old Water vs. New Water

The fact is, water can appear clear and contaminant-free but can be fatal if consumed in a small dose or over a period of time.

Unsafe water can even taste good, but can still contain dangerous contaminants such as arsenic, lead, radiologicals, bacteria, synthetic organic compounds and disinfections byproducts. Additionally, adds Marianne R. Metzger, business manager for National Testing Laboratories, established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards can offer false comfort for certain consumers.

“In municipal water there are established safety levels called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), which are intended to protect public health. Even water that meets these levels can cause health issues for some individuals; the levels are meant to protect a majority of people taking into account current technology available as well as costs,” explains Metzger, noting also that water is considered the universal solvent which means its quality can change rather quickly.

You should also be aware that in some cases, scheduled testing of public water supplies only require synthetic organic chemical testing once every nine years. So  contamination could go undocumented for several years.

There are many contaminants that cannot be seen in water but may be present. And, this number of “hidden” contaminants is growing.

We understand that accepting that your once-healthy water may no longer be so, and we also understand healthy skepticism. After all, our job, as you may see it, it to relieve you of your hard earned based on something you can’t actually see, taste or experience.

Yes. It is hard. Hopefully – for you – you can hear what we say.

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