Tyler Lebaron IS Molecular Hydrogen. It must be six years before I ‘discovered’ him. He was on a facebook group talking about electric water ionizers and the fact that alkalinity wasn’t what gave us the benefit of the water they produced. He was facing serious opposition from people invested in the idea they had been sold on by their upline MLM-er.
Molecular Hydrogen: can it help Brain Fog?
We get many, many inquiries about what molecular hydrogen is capable of. It’s understandable: there are now well over 1000 studies of the effects of inhalation or ingestion of molecular hydrogen.. and they look too good to be true. (See them all here) Tywon Hubbard is a champion of H2. he champions its use through […]
Alkaline Water; I drank it for 21 years.
Alkaline water exposed by an expert: 21 years drinking it, making it and designing alkaline water systems. Perfect for anyone wondering if it really works.
Pesticides Stronger Than Ever: BAD NEWS for our water supply!
Researchers publishing in Science discovered that despite reducing the use of pesticides, the new alternatives -pyrethroid and neonicotinoids pesticides has increased toxicity to non-target organisms substantially.
Chronic Fatigue: Can Hydrogen water help? New study is encouraging.
Most of us want alleviation of a particular problem in our bodies and hope that this latest magic and usually highly promoted) supplement of Ethiopian Strangler Vine extract will do the job. Molecular hydrogen is fundamentally different.
Hydrogen: The Birthplace of Life Itself.
Amazingly, the occurrence of hydrogen in our universe was almost happenstance. It depended on an infinitely small mass difference between two subatomic particles called quarks.
Travel Water Filter Bottle: Is it really necessary?
Why do I carry an OKO travel water bottle whenever I travel? This article from Sherry Brescia sums it up pretty well! I’ll never forget the day a waterborne bug caught up with me in Northern India. Twenty one days later I emerged from a Nepal hospital 20 kilos lighter .
The Reason we all Need a Water Filter isn’t going away.
“Pigs are not the only animal that wallows in its own filth. Fish and frogs on mood elevators, beta blockers and estrogen therapies should not be the price of progress; fish and frogs have no choice and we do.”Water filters PLEASE!
Magnesium: Are you getting enough?
Magnesium is the central element in chlorophyll and the basis of early life on the planet. (Which is a good thing when you consider all of the amazing things it does for us every day):
Alkaline Diet 101: Is an orange alkaline?
I’m going through some serious re-evaluation. You see, I’m getting queries from people about what is in the alkaline diet, and what’s not – as usual. After all, I wrote a book on it. But I’m beginning to see that there is so much more to the alkaline diet.
The Simple, Untold Truth about the Alkaline Diet.
The hidden secret of the Alkaline Diet that no-one talks about.. and why.
Millions of Americans Are In Water Debt
More than 1.5 million households in a dozen major U.S. cities with publicly operated water utilities owe $1.1 billion in past-due water bills, according to a Circle of Blue investigation. Businesses, industries, and other commercial operations in those cities owed another $416 million. Most Americans give little thought to water bills, paying them on time […]