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Oxygen Therapy: A Sleeping Giant?

We’ve been so busy getting righteously excited about the many health benefits of molecular hydrogen that we have neglected what many people tell us is a  ‘sleeping giant’ in our product lineup. But before I talk about it I’ll share some observations I’ve been having on oxygen in the last few weeks. Let’s say you […]

A Common Diet-based anti-cancer compound may work by influence on cellular genetics

Researchers have discovered one of the reasons why broccoli may be good for your health. Sulforaphane, a dietary compound in broccoli  known to help prevent prostate cancer, may work through its influence on long, non-coding RNAs. The findings were published by researchers from Oregon State University in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. They provide even more evidence […]

Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water? What is best for you?

Dr Mami Noda is an Associate Professor, in the Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan. She has been witness to the rise of the electric water ionizer and of molecular hydrogen. Her comments here come with real authority. If you are still wondering whether you should go the ‘old’ way […]

A Menu against inflammation

Inflammation, inflammation, inflammation: it’s everywhere on the net and used to sell millions of dollars worth of supplements. We are proud of the anti-inflammation properties of I LOVE H2, our molecular hydrogen supplement, but are ready to admit that diet always come first as our preferred health strategy. So we were excited to read that […]

Benefits of Alkalizing

We run a great page on Facebook about alkaline diet. (You’re welcome to join!) Antreas is just one of over 1000 people I have got to know through the group and his post today was amazing. “Ian, the best way to harness a disease is to get informed and thank God for technological progression and […]

Sam Carpenter’s Travel Plan goes seriously wrong.

Sam Carpenter wrote a book on business organisation that really impressed me, and he travels the world helping small businesses like ours to become better operators. But on a recent trip to Romania, Sam, the master planner, upset his plans with one small mistake. “On my trip to Romania I drank from a public drinking […]

Lead in your Drinking Water?

The recent SBS news article on lead in our water exposed a potentially serious problem for all Australians. It comes in a  wave of exposes worldwide that focus on high lead levels in drinking water. So here’s the ‘lowdown’ on getting rid of lead in your drinking water. (And please note: we’re not trying to panic […]

Why All Australians need to look at a water filter

This report comes from Water technologist Neil Sweeney. He is passionate about clean water. Here’s his facebook page. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AUSTRALIA WITH WATER INFRASTRUCTURE? If we are to go by the latest media reports, current water guidelines and the current state of disrepair of the mains pipe delivery system in our country then […]

3 Teaspoons of Rio water is the reason an athlete can fail.

This report on water quality in Rio is damning. It’s saying that an athlete needs only drink 3 teaspoons of local water for disaster to strike. Not only are some 1,400 athletes at risk of getting violently ill in water competitions, but tests indicate that tourists also face potentially serious health risks on the golden […]

Wow, Is it time yet to buy a water filter…..? Especially if you live in Florida!

Last Updated:August 1st 2016 Florida commission about to rule on drinking water chemical allowance increases. The Environmental Regulatory Commission of Florida will vote this month to increase the number of regulated chemicals in Florida drinking water. Now, you lucky Floriorians, you can have 92 chemicals in your water instead of just 54. The good news is […]

Roundup (in) Your Water?

Water technology Online is one of our favourite water websites and this article is derived from their excellent summation of Glyphosate in water What is ‘Roundup’? (Glyphosate) It is…  a broad spectrum herbicide, introduced by Monsanto Corporation over 40 years ago. A post-emergent systemic herbicide. It kills almost all plant types ~ weeds, grasses, shrubs, trees. Its chemical […]

Hard water or Soft water. The Untold Truth – and what you can do about it.

It’s almost a tie. Around half of our populated regions on planet Earth have hard water, and the other half, have soft water. ‘Hard water’ is water with calcium and (perhaps) magnesium dissolved in it. The term refers to water from your tap. ‘Soft water’ is the opposite. It has little or no dissolved minerals. Both […]

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