In the fitness world, inflammation often gets bad press. It is perceived as an enemy of the body simply because when we are inflamed we usually experience some form of injuries and chronic pain. It’s certainly true that inflammation can be associated with almost every major health problem we have in medicine today. So… when […]
Alkaline Diet? A Seriously Easy Way to begin your Day.
OK, It’s a war zone ‘down there’. Or at least a ‘postwar zone. Your elimination system has been battling with acid overload all night, and in the early hours of the morning has assembled all that nasty acid in your bladder. That’s why your first ‘pee du jour’ is your most acidic. It’s obvious […]
What Would You Do?
Biosecurity. What does it mean to you? Germ warfare? Clean air? Clean water? All of these things, obviously relate to our home and personal biosecurity. And a prudent citizen has performed their due diligence in these matters, for the sake of themselves, their family and their livestock. many, many people have seen fit to trust […]
Hydrogen Water: New Video Guide to 11 ways to get it in your home.
Molecular hydrogen can present the usual swathe of claims and counterclaims by vendors of different methods – including us! So in a fit of sympathy, I’ve decided to record a video explaining the 11 ways (so far) to get the amazing benefits of molecular hydrogen in your own home.
Bottled Water Found To Contain Over 24,000 Chemicals, Including Endocrine Disruptors
Things are changing. Widespread consumer demand for plastic products that are free of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) has precipitated some significant positive changes in the way that food, beverage and water containers are manufactured. That’s the good news. But a new study out of Germany has found that thousands of other potentially harmful chemicals are […]
Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides: New links discovered
Pulse (Lentil) farmers in Victoria are contracting Parkinson’s Disease at a rate far beyond the rest of the Australian populace. A new study suggests recorded cases of Parkinson’s, based on medication use, are 78% higher than average in Buloke, 76% higher in Horsham, 57% higher in Northern Grampians and 34% higher in Yarriambiack – all […]
Anti Inflammation Diet Update
Our friend Bert Middleton is the Gout Killer and this is a great post. Look when it was written! He’s still relevant today! Anti-Inflammatory Diet Published May 7, 2012 | By Bert Middleton This Is Where It All Begins. I hate to be the one to tell you but . . . you probably have gout […]
Toxins in your kitchen. Is there an alternative? Yes.
Last week, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a new edition of its Guide to Healthy Cleaning, an accessible database listing the health hazards and environmental concerns for more than 2,500 products used in the home. Since last update, hundreds of new products grace our supermarket shelves. “Cleaning products expose Americans daily to chemicals linked to asthma, allergic […]
How did Medical wastes get into my glass of water?
This infographic explains it better than I can!
How are water filters tested and how are the tests used to sell water purifiers?
If you’re looking at buying the best water filter, wouldn’t you like to know it will do what it says? Unfortunately, 99% of water filters on the market are sold in the knowledge that you don’t know and will probably decide to believe what they tell you it will do. Water filter vendors service a huge market […]
Is this why our kids may be heading for early Alzheimers?
A large, multi-center study led by the UC Davis School of Medicine for the first time has shown that people as young as their 40s have stiffening of the arteries that is associated with subtle structural damage to the brain that is implicated in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease later in life. A collaboration of […]
Water filters and Hard Water. 4 Choices you need to consider.
Hard water is water with high levels of alkaline minerals. It is the result of having high mineral content, usually calcium and magnesium ions. Dissolved rock causes scale, which impedes appliance performance and is the direct cause of energy inefficiencies and increased utility costs. It can be a serious problem for many water filter systems […]