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Can’t afford a $4000 alkaline water ionizer? Try a .40c lemon instead.

I have a theory about detoxification. It goes like this; 1. We start our life untoxified. 2. As we live in a toxic world we ‘toxify’. 3. It’s our choice whether we decide to reverse this process. 4. The best ongoing way to detox is to drink enough water. Too simple, right? Hey, we’re bombarded […]

Turmeric, Curcumin and Molecular Hydrogen. The Missing Link

Ever since I spent a year in India I’ve loved the sight, the smell and the taste of Turmeric. Given the basically carbohydrate dominated diet of most Indians, and the shocking state of pollution of their diet staple foods, maybe Turmeric is keeping most of India alive and healthy! I’m also lucky living here at Byron Bay […]

Spicy Arugala Salad

Ty Bollinger from ‘The Truth About Cancer’ just published this excellent recipe. His website is a treasure trove of alternative cancer thought. I love it becasue I love Arugala AKA Rocket. It self-seeds in our garden, providing us with an almost continual accompaniment to our alkaline paleo breakfast. (And the new chickens DON’T like it […]

A serene and whimsical night

What the Stars drink

A wise man – or was it a woman – once said, “Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty.” He – or she – wasn’t wrong. Celebrities know the truth and the longevity that good hydration brings. Here are 22 quotes from celebrities about the fascinating subject of water. […]

Vinyl Chlorine anyone?

In the space of one week, we’ve received 3 pretty amazing reports. The first one showed the presence of artificial sweeteners in drinking water. The second was about e-Coli in bottled water. Now we get a report that the poor souls in Kokomo, US have vinyl chloride in their water and it has only now been […]

15 Facts Most People Just Don’t Know About Fluoride

Ian: I’m studying a paper right now on the link between pre-eclampsia and fluoride. Coincidentally or not, this came across my desk at the same time. Advocates of fluoride say its use in municipal water systems poses no adverse health concerns, however results from investigations clearly state the opposite. There has been considerable research done […]

California isnt running out of water. It’s running out of CHEAP water.

Witnesses to the ongoing water crisis in California has heard some pretty dire predictions about the state’s future. The facts are California isn’t running out of water. It’s running out of cheap water. Drought damage is estimated as $2.2 billion, significant, yes, but not the “end of growth” for California’s $2.2 trillion economy. Businesses, however, have the […]

The 8 (or nine) Nutrients that will protect your brain

Brain health: the second most important component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle (according to a 2014 AARP study). As we age we can experience a range of cognitive issues from decreased critical thinking to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In the March issue of Food Technology published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), contributing editor Linda […]

What’s your Calcium-Magnesium Ratio?

Most Calcium / Magnesium supplements are supplied in a ratio of 2:1.  Recommendations vary from a 4:1 to a 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio.  Some vendors and practitioners claim that calcium and magnesium oppose each other at the intracellular level, and therefore low magnesium intake causes high calcium storage, or calcification.Others maintain that magnesium is needed for proper calcium absorption, […]

Heart Alkaline Stew

Whilst I don’t agree with everything she says (she likes distilled water!) I do like much of the things Dr Virginia Golschmidt of Saveourbones has some great things, like this great – and simple – alkalizing recipe. 1. Hearty Stew 2 Servings Ingredients: 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil ½ medium red onion, diced ½ cup […]

A Wakeup call for Men’s Health Awareness

-With a thank you to Dan Meredith. (Ian: I have pondered the ‘why’ of men’s attitude to health for years as men accompany their wives like naughty puppies into our office. They stand apart, cross their arms, throw red herrings.. everything except admit they are actually scared s___less of losing health.) You, and you alone […]

Would you like spice with that, Senor?

Throughout history, humans have eaten each other. Now we know more of how ancient cannibals preferred to dine: They spent hours (well, I assume hours – they didn’t have watches!)  preparing elaborate feasts with recipes with exotic ingredients.  2,000 years ago and more, people living near Mexico City grilled or boiled other humans, seasoning the cooked meat with chilis and brilliantly colored spices […]

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