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Microwaves and Water Ionizers. What do they have in common?

I received this from Tyler LeBaron today and it’s really worth a read. It’s aimed at vendors of ionized water. Microwaves Virtually nobody cares how/why they work but we all know they do and we all have one. And so too it is with water ionizers. It doesn’t matter how it works it just does!!!” […]

Compared: Bottled Water to UltraStream water

Bottled Water versus owning your own UltraStream Alkaline Water Ioniser Author Diana Michaels is one of our many Alkaway distributors, way down in Busselton, Western Australia . Ian: Diana, thank you so much for this! The cost of 15 litres of bottled water delivered to your home is about $19.95. A commercial price could be as […]

Ok Dieters! Work this one out!

Postprandial oxidative stress is increased after a phytonutrient-poor food but not after a kilojoule-matched phytonutrient-rich food Abstract Research indicates that energy-dense foods increase inflammation and oxidative activity, thereby contributing to the development of vascular disease. However, it is not clear whether the high kilojoule load alone, irrespective of the nutritional content of the ingested food, […]

Inflammation? Stress fracture? No worries!

Few people realised when 51 year old Geraldine Finnegan ascended the winner’s podium in Istanbul today that  that she had won with a stress fracture. Even fewer knew that she had taken a (perfectly legal) hydrogen supplement. A happy lady! Asked how she felt after the win, Geraldine said “Brilliant! Full of energy and life bubbling […]

Can H2 Water assist us to slow bone loss?

This scientific study of rats says so. yes, of course, it’s rats, not humans, but as a recovering Osteoporosis sufferer, I looked twice when Isaw this study. Do I wait until there’s a double blind randomised study by a Big Pharma or do I just keep drinking my UltraStream H2 water. No contest really! Here’s […]

The 5 best foods anti-inflammation foods.

Inflammation is your body’s response to injury, infection, allergies, stress or chronic disease. A certain level of inflammation is necessary and helpful, in order for your body to overcome these conditions. Problems arise when the inflammation becomes excessive or continues for too long. Chronic inflammation greatly contributes to fatigue, pain, low mood and an inability […]

As if being Obese wasn’t enough of a problem..

Obesity, as we know, creates all sorts of problems.  But now there’s a new one! Dementia. Science Daily reports: “Early to mid-life obesity appears to be linked to heightened risk of dementia in later life, researchers report. There is a threefold risk for those with severe obesity in their 30s, the observational study indicates.  But […]

Are all acids bad for us? Malic Acid challenges the Alkaline Diet.

Malic Acid: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia connection  One of its most significant benefits lies in its ability to stimulate metabolism and increase energy production. This action is linked to the important role it plays in a process known as the Krebs cycle – named after Sir Hans Krebs, a German-born British biochemist. Krebs […]

Why does Ionized Water seem to absorb so much better?

Over the years I have had thousands of people tell me that they love the way our water seems to ‘slip down’ or ‘not bloat’. When asked why I have resorted to what my supplier told me: that it’s the microclustering, making it ‘smaller’ water. So what do i say now that the microclustering theory […]

Ian’s latest Walkabout… er.. sitabout.. with Cassie

Today we are at AlkaWay talking about urine tests and pH balance… and why you may still have acidic urine even though you are drinking alkaline water from the UltraStream – or any other water ionizer. Urine pH is a multifaceted question and you can’t simply expect it to change just because you eat broccoli […]

You think YOU have water problems? Check this poor guy’s story!

Have been in my home 20 years, state water lab tests a few times over the years have shown no issues with well water. No problems with odors, taste, staining of laundry or appliances. 4″ drilled to depth of 57 feet, constructed in 1985. Last October we had all of the old copper pipes (60 yr old stuff) […]


Hand Wash Solution.. or Good old Soap?

We’ve been saying for a long-time that overusing antibacterial compounds (in soaps, hand sanitizers, and other consumer products) was a bad idea. Not only do they breed super-bacteria that can’t be killed as easily, do nothing against viruses, and kill helpful ‘nonpathogenic’ bacteria, but a 2005 FDA paper highlighted that it has found “no medical studies that […]

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