I recently had a very interesting talk with a doctor friend. He had a patient he’s known for years call him up and tell him he had terrible gout. Dr Gerry asked him what he’d done differently, and he said he’s bought a juicer based on the amazing health benefits promised on a cable TV […]
Pesticides. We get asked about them in your water – often!
QUESTION: 1. Are pesticides a serious problem in our drinking waters? 2. Are there systems that can remove them? ANSWER: 1. Sometimes. 2. Yes. What are pesticides? The legal definition of ‘‘pesticide’’ is: (1) any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest; (2) any substance or mixture of substances […]
Alkalinity and Cancer; Hoisted on its own petard?
When you get too into one way of thinking, you often lose sight of the whole picture. Alkaline philosophy has been pushed hard as a simple and comprehensive alternative cancer therapy.. all under the radar, of course. So this report really throws the cat among the pigeons. Or, to butcher another metaphor, the alkaline protagonists […]
Bluegreen Algae Anyone?
The Water Quality Association (WQA) released an official statement on cyanotoxins, such as microcystin, which was recently detected in Toledo, Ohio’s public water supply, according to a press release. Cyanobacteria, certain varieties of freshwater algae, could be present in surface water, such as lakes and rivers, stated the release. With the right conditions, cyanobacteria, sometimes referred to […]
All about BACTERIA in Your Water
Both bacteria and viruses are microorganisms regulated by the US EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) criteria. Viruses are the smallest form of microorganisms capable of causing disease, particularly those of a fecal origin infectious to humans by waterborne transmission; bacteria are typically single-celled microorganisms that can also cause health problems in humans, animals or plants, […]
Adventitious Cucumbers?
Hydrogen-rich water regulates cucumber adventitious root development Abstract Hydrogen gas (H2) is an endogenous gaseous molecule in plants. Although its reputation is as a “biologically inert gas”, recent results suggested that H2has therapeutic antioxidant properties in animals and plays fundamental roles in plant responses to environmental stresses. However, whether H2 regulates root morphological patterns is largely […]
Does Molecular Hydrogen ‘fix’ you if you’ve been loaded up with pesticides?
CPF is a common pesticide. Here are the findings (below) from this report. Hydrogen molecules protect rats from CPF-induced damage of hippocampal neurons. The increased GFAP expression induced by CPF can also be ameliorated by hydrogen. Hydrogen molecules attenuated the increase in CPF-induced oxidative stress. Hydrogen molecules attenuated AChE inhibition in vivo and in vitro. Hydrogen molecules […]
NZ Water fluoridation. Oh No! riots in the streets!
It’s been reported that residents of Petone in New Zealand would “riot on the street” if the Ministry of Health decided to add fluoride to their water supply. The remarks were reportedly made by the community board chairman, Mike Fisher, who, it is claimed, said: “There was an outcry in the 1990s when Hutt City Council suggested adding fluoride to […]
UK’s NHS Health Crisis means decision time.
Looking after NUMBER ONE Looking at the crisis facing the NHS in the UK, UK residents owe it to themselves and their loved ones to do as much as they can to avoid unnecessary visits to GPs or hospitals. Those who’ve not got the message now and modified diets and lifestyle will pay a heavy […]
The Plastic Bottle Story
A great post from Seth Godin! This is ours “Last night on the bike path I passed a well-dressed citizen, walking along with a bottle of water. I was stunned to see him finish his water and hurl the bottle into the woods. I stopped and said, “Hey, please don’t do that.” He looked at […]
14 Seriously Interesting Facts about water in your body.
1. Why Water is really, really important. You may be healthy. This doesn’t mean you appreciate the importance of water intake. As a result there’s a good chance you may end up suffering from ongoing, l dehydration. 2. Want Energy? If you are even a little ‘dry’ you slow enzyme activity. So you’ll probably experience lower energy […]
Fat loss by eating fat?
Coconut Oil and Abdominal Fat Loss Some VERY interesting studies recently on the relationship between coconut oil (or any type of coconut fat, including coconut milk and cream) and how it can affect your body fat are surfacing and I’m very happy.. I’m, I’m healthy and i consume LOTS of it! But how can coconut oil […]