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Just what did Dr Otto Warburg REALLY say?

Dr. Otto Warburg’s Address to Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany  “There are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plague is the plague bacillus, but secondary causes of the plague are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from rats to […]

The Best Soda You Can Buy

Sherry Brescia sent me this excellent post about the best soda. “I have a talent for hitting the grocery store at the precise moment when it’s mobbed, the lines are a mile long and there are cashiers in training. Recently as I waited in a L-O-N-G, slow line to pay for my groceries, I began […]

Strontium, PFOA and toxic chemicals found in one-third of U.S. water supply

As reported by Mike Adams, Health Ranger, one in 3 water supplies in the US is.. well, how else can I say it.. dangerous. Mike reports: “You may want to think twice before further drinking or even bathing in unfiltered tap water, as a new report set to be published next year has found that […]

What’s Your ‘Immunity Plan”?

As a kid I worked with my brother-in-law on his sheep farm. At shearing time it was my job to herd the sheep into the yards that fed into the hearing shed. Two things amazed me. One was that if just one sheep decided it saw an obstacle in the race, it would jump as […]

Am I reading right? Is this from an alkaline diet site?

OK, I admit it. I have changed my view of the alkaline diet drastically. I still believe we need to alkalize but the things I see and hear from alkaline diet practitioners sometimes leaves me gasping. Now before giving you the latest one, let me just fill in those new readers. I was vegetarian for […]

Moving House? Check your water supply!

Let’s face it, the water never tastes the same in the new house as it did in the old one. If you move from the city into the county or from the suburbs into the city, your water will taste differently. Every area has different sources for their water. If you are in Portland, Oregon, […]

Informed Florida Residents KNOW how poisoned they are.

Florida now has a realtime webpage that residents can view to see the latest trihalomethane count in their drinking water. THM’s are chlorine byproducts and the unsolved problem of the most common method of water purification. To quote the site, “TTHMs are four organic chemicals which form as byproducts of chlorination. When chlorine is added […]

Magnesium for old brains

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and the serious issues of cognitive health will be in the spotlight in the coming weeks. The medical community agrees that cognitive impairment (CI), ranging from mild to severe, is almost epidemic in the U.S. as the Baby Boomer generation is aging and living longer. Scientists believe one reason […]

Old Water vs. New Water

The fact is, water can appear clear and contaminant-free but can be fatal if consumed in a small dose or over a period of time. Unsafe water can even taste good, but can still contain dangerous contaminants such as arsenic, lead, radiologicals, bacteria, synthetic organic compounds and disinfections byproducts. Additionally, adds Marianne R. Metzger, business […]

ORP in your blood?

We’ve been talking about ORP for as long as we’ve been in business – over 13 years.  For those of you not aware of it, it’s an indication of the antioxidant power (or oxidant power) of water. An Oxidation/Reduction Potential meter measures the positive or negative electrical charge of the water in millivolts. We’ve come quite […]

How Much is ‘enough’ water?

There is just SO much misinformation on the web about how we should approach the concept of hydration. I recently read a Choice Magazine article on enhanced water, and with the article it claimed that tea and coffee do NOT dehydrate us, claiming scientific studies as proof. I think many of us are confused, and […]

Keegan Smith Trains on AlkaWay Water

A BACKPACKER who chose sleeping on the floor of a Mexican Mayan village over a senior NRL conditioning role is the secret weapon behind the Sydney Roosters’ premiership push. Keegan Smith, son of veteran NRL coach Brian, has revolutionised dieting and strength training at the Roosters this season.Smith is so highly rated as a conditioning […]

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