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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Molecular Hydrogen

There’s a lovely lady out there somewhere whom we’ve known for years now.

Her name is Merrilyn and she has Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has sought relief through alkalizing, and has experienced some relief over the years.

But RA is a cruel ailment. It hurts, it degenerates and it seem to seldom if ever leave. So when we saw this report on the effects of molecular hydrogen on rheumatoid arthritis I felt compelled to publish it.

From the report:
Especially in the early stage, H2 showed significant therapeutic potential, which also seemed to assist diagnosis and treatment decisions of RA. The possible expectations regarding the potential benefits of H2 by reducing the oxidative stress, resulting from inflammatory factors, are raised and discussed here. RAreportTo learn more about the many benefits revealed in over 400 scientific studies, download our report here.

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