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Rheumatoid Arthritis: Study shows hydrogen water may assist.

rheumatoidHydrogen water is what we do.

Using O-Dobi Media in our UltraStream filter we create water with High (higher than normal H2O) levels of hydrogen.

We also increase vital levels of magnesium and calcium but that’s another benefit I will touch on later.

Up until now this involved the purchase of a complex and expensive electric water ionizer, but the UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream/” title=”UltraStream”>UltraStream has changed all that.

So I was very happy to discover this scientific study that collaborates the stories we have had from users over the last 13 years.

(As always, we are not advocating the use of hydrogen water, and even this scientific study should be treated as an exception rather than the rule. We are not permitted to make any therapeutic recommendations)

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