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A New Take on Immunity?

A New Take on Immunity?

There’s more to immunity than exposure to contagious viruses like COVID.

Alkaline Curry! Yes! And it’s great!

Alkaline Curry! Yes! And it’s great!

Callum at Avocado Ninja is our UK distributor. And this delicious alkaline ingredient curry comes from him and AnnaLisa, his beautiful partner.

Benefits of Alkalizing

We run a great page on Facebook about alkaline diet. (You’re welcome to join!) Antreas is just one of over 1000 people I have got to know through the group and his post today was amazing. “Ian, the best way to harness a disease is to get informed and thank God for technological progression and […]

Question: Is the raw food diet the same as an Alkaline Diet?

Answer: A true “alkalarian diet” is 80% + raw, but “raw diets” are not always alkaline. The raw food diet is built on one basic premise… cooking your food destroys enzymes, leaches minerals, damages vitamins, and denatures antioxidants. All of which are true. The Alkaline Diet (acid – alkaline diet / pH diet) is built […]

The Importance of Selenium to our Natural Antioxidant Capability

We talk a lot about the antioxidant capability of molecular hydrogen on this page. Not only is it unique in selectively targeting the ‘baddie’ free radicals and leaving the ‘goodies’ alone, it also supports our natural antioxidant, glutathione. However.. I remind myself and anyone else interested in living longer that glutathione, our internal super-antioxidant needs […]

New AlkalIne Diet and what to do about those nasty cravings.

Almost everybody who starts our New Alkaline diet has to deal with cravings. I’m sure even Elle McPherson went through them. Unless you never ate sugar in your life, you’ve had cravings. Yet… knowing that it’s a common problem doesn’t make it any easier for you. We’ve found that these tactics help a lot. We are asking a […]

The Alkaline Diet on $65 a week?

Ian and Cassie discuss the reality of living on a pension in Australia and eating good clean healthy  food. Can it be done on $65 a week? What do you think? Ian Hamilton:              Hi guys. Ian Hamilton and Cassie Bond again. We just got an email from a lady called Alma. I’m going to read […]

5 Reasons To Begin Today on the New Alkaline Diet

In our experience, most people don’t actually ‘get’ what the ‘Old’ Alkaline Diet is all about, so ask us why should they start the ‘New’ Alkaline Diet? The ‘old’ alkaline diet declared that if we change our eating habits to consume 80% of our foods based on these foods’ ability to create an alkaline response in […]

Another simple way to get your Alkaline Balance Mojo Back.

I have to admit, as much as I like spinach, cucumber and other alkalizing foods, there is a limit, and when I hear the so-called experts telling me I need NINE serves of alkalizing vegetables a day… well, it’s tough. Take a look at our latest video, Again, I apologise for the ‘jerkys’.. but hey, […]

Alkaline Diet or Low Carb Diet.. Is there a difference?

We hear it time and again: Dietary fat is not good for us, it promotes heart disease and gives us dangerously high cholesterol levels. No matter how many studies show that a low-fat diet is in fact making us sick… and fat, this advice just never seems to change… at least, that is until now. • […]

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