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Lemon Water. How good is it? Really?

Lemon Water. How good is it? Really?

We’ve been told a daily gulp of lemon water gives us healthier skin, less weight.. and in modern times, it’s touted as an ideal way to detox. Is it true?

Are you 23% Healthy or...

Are you 23% Healthy or…

Forget about the elections, climate change or Covid! Think about what this means in terms of the health of a nation! TERRIBLE results for USA health conditions.

The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection. Where to find the foods that affect you.

A New Take on Immunity?

A New Take on Immunity?

There’s more to immunity than exposure to contagious viruses like COVID.

The Actual Truth About Otto Warburg

Stick around the water alkalizer industry for any time at all and someone will tell you Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg said that cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. If it was true, it’ d be really something. Sadly, it’s a marketing myth. Here’s what he really said: According to an article in the […]

A Phlebotomist’s View of alkaline water and Blood pH

As always, we are presenting this as informational only. We do not agree nor disagree with the good doctor and ask you to check with your own doctor before undertaking any change of diet for health reasons.  The following is a transcript from a video by Dr George McDermott, Phlebotomist (Blood specialist) “Hello ladies and […]

Why Drinking bottled Alkaline Water is.. er.. DUMB

It’s pretty simple really. Most water supplies are already alkaline. So why are you paying premium dollars for bottled alkaline water – in plastic? Yes, we’ve all accepted that drinking alkaline water was good for us and the metastudy we have on our website proves it.. but no-one asked about the water they already drink […]

The Alkaline Diet on $65 a week?

Ian and Cassie discuss the reality of living on a pension in Australia and eating good clean healthy  food. Can it be done on $65 a week? What do you think? Ian Hamilton:              Hi guys. Ian Hamilton and Cassie Bond again. We just got an email from a lady called Alma. I’m going to read […]

The Placebo Effect

Our friend and lover of H2, Biochemist Tyler LeBaron recently posted this quite excellent summation of the placebo effect. What is the PLACEBO effect? Many skeptics have claimed that the purported benefits of ionized alkaline water are simply attributed to the placebo effect. In stark contrast many who realize that the benefits of the water […]

Another simple way to get your Alkaline Balance Mojo Back.

I have to admit, as much as I like spinach, cucumber and other alkalizing foods, there is a limit, and when I hear the so-called experts telling me I need NINE serves of alkalizing vegetables a day… well, it’s tough. Take a look at our latest video, Again, I apologise for the ‘jerkys’.. but hey, […]

Microwaves and Water Ionizers. What do they have in common?

I received this from Tyler LeBaron today and it’s really worth a read. It’s aimed at vendors of ionized water. Microwaves Virtually nobody cares how/why they work but we all know they do and we all have one. And so too it is with water ionizers. It doesn’t matter how it works it just does!!!” […]

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