Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection. Where to find the foods that affect you.
hydrogen water
Oxygen and Hydrogen? Oxygen OR hydrogen? Confusion Reigns!
Here’s the Essence of a query we received yesterday: What is the difference between the properties of infused oxygen products and infused molecular hydrogen? In what situations would one focus on taking one more than the other? For example, an overgrowth of pathogens in the digestive tract? I always thought that high oxygen would be […]
Another AMAZING study on Molecular Hydrogen and its effect on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Another excellent 2012 study concludes drinking molecular hydrogen infused water’s impact on Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) The study also shows that H2 water had an ongoing therapeutic affect and remained efficacious even during the washout period.. wow! The study concluded that consumption of water containing a high concentration of molecular hydrogen reduces oxidative stress and disease activity […]
Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water? What is best for you?
Dr Mami Noda is an Associate Professor, in the Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan. She has been witness to the rise of the electric water ionizer and of molecular hydrogen. Her comments here come with real authority. If you are still wondering whether you should go the ‘old’ way […]
A Good Laugh about Molecular Hydrogen
OK, OK. I am sure that other nationalities have a good laugh about some translations of English that Mother Google manages to mangle. So my Japanese friends, please excuse me. I am laughing at Google, not you. I was looking at a Japanese company that manufactures canned H2 water, and clicked through to their testimonial page. […]
Tyler LeBaron lectures on Molecular Hydrogen and Hydrogen Water.
Tyler LeBaron has become the #1 source of information on hydrogen rich water. This talk, given to the Age Management Medicine Conference in November 2015 shows just how far he has come.Tyler also established the Molecular hydrogen Foundation last year, a non-profit organisation of the best scientific minds from around the world. To keep up […]
Everyone has a hangover remedy. — a greasy meal, fish oil, over-the-counter hangover fixes, more booze… the list goes on. So it’s rather disappointing to learn of new research that says drinking water and eating food won’t cure a hangover, and the only true hangover cure is to drink less. Sorry, I have a problem. […]
All the best tips on using hydrogen tablets
Gavin Dickinson is an old mate, even though he works for one of our competitors. His Facebook page on H2 is a great resource, and this post of his prevented me from having to write our own. I have added our observations in his article in red. Why is it so important to fill my […]
Ian’s latest Walkabout… er.. sitabout.. with Cassie
Today we are at AlkaWay talking about urine tests and pH balance… and why you may still have acidic urine even though you are drinking alkaline water from the UltraStream – or any other water ionizer. Urine pH is a multifaceted question and you can’t simply expect it to change just because you eat broccoli […]
Orange Juice vs. AlkaWay Water
Back at school, I was a coke freak. Coca Cola that is. Then I ‘got smart’ and began to care about my health so I went for the next dominant paradigm; orange juice. Now I drink water; alkaline hydrogen infused water. So what’s so bad about orange juice? Well, according to this article from the […]
ANOTHER (!) amazing scientific study on Hydrogen water!
This Japanese study is a beauty! It is quite a large one and includes conclusions on the use of hydrogen water (the same as that produced by the UltraStream) for Cognitive decline, Parkinson’s Disease, Atherosclerosis, Metabolic Syndrome, adverse effects of chemotherapy, allegic reactions. Not only that, how’s this for a powerpacked paragraph? “It has been […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Study shows hydrogen water may assist.
Hydrogen water is what we do. Using O-Dobi Media in our UltraStream filter we create water with High (higher than normal H2O) levels of hydrogen. We also increase vital levels of magnesium and calcium but that’s another benefit I will touch on later. Up until now this involved the purchase of a complex and expensive […]