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The Alkaline Diet on $65 a week?

Ian and Cassie discuss the reality of living on a pension in Australia and eating good clean healthy  food. Can it be done on $65 a week? What do you think? Ian Hamilton:              Hi guys. Ian Hamilton and Cassie Bond again. We just got an email from a lady called Alma. I’m going to read […]

Fermented vegetables?

Dr Joe Mercola says that 2 oz of fermented vegetables is equivalent to a bottle of 100 high potency probiotics. So what? you may reply. Well, I find it interesting that the doyen of the Alkaline Diet movement, Dr Robert O Young, vehemently asserts exactly the opposite; that any fermented food of any kind, right […]

Am I reading right? Is this from an alkaline diet site?

OK, I admit it. I have changed my view of the alkaline diet drastically. I still believe we need to alkalize but the things I see and hear from alkaline diet practitioners sometimes leaves me gasping. Now before giving you the latest one, let me just fill in those new readers. I was vegetarian for […]

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