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Colitis. Ouch. cover

Colitis. Ouch.

Colitis is a hell of an ailment. It usually lasts for a lifetime. This new study brings some hope.

The Intriguing World of "Structured Water": A Journey Through Science and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy cover

The Intriguing World of Structured Water

The concept of “structured water” is captivating both alternative health circles and scientific communities. Discover the intriguing world of structured water, its potential health benefits, and how Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy can provide insights into this fascinating subject. #structuredwater #science

Finally! The untold truth about water ‘alkalizers’! cover

Finally! The untold truth about water ‘alkalizers’!

Finally! The truth about water ‘alkalizers’ revealed in this eye-opening video. Learn how these devices may not be what they seem and how it can affect your health and finances. Two scientific reports provide the evidence you need. Check out the links below the video for more information. #alkalinewater #healthyliving

Water Ionizer.. or Hydrogen tablet?

Water Ionizer.. or Hydrogen tablet?

We were lucky enough to be right there with the first ever hydrogen tablets some five years ago. Now we’re still way out front with our high yield hydrogen tablets.

Alkaline Water: is it really better for you?

Alkaline Water: is it really better for you?

We’ve seen many fad water marketing ideas come and go over the years. But one that seems to be sticking around is alkaline water. It’s the best of the best if you are a bottled water marketer.. but does it really help our health?

Alkaline Water; I drank it for 21 years.

Alkaline Water; I drank it for 21 years.

Alkaline water exposed by an expert: 21 years drinking it, making it and designing alkaline water systems. Perfect for anyone wondering if it really works.

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