”The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: Too much acid in the body!” Investigate alkaline balance: is it the real thing?

”The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: Too much acid in the body!” Investigate alkaline balance: is it the real thing?
We’ve been told a daily gulp of lemon water gives us healthier skin, less weight.. and in modern times, it’s touted as an ideal way to detox. Is it true?
Some people say you can neutralise a glass of chlorinated water with a squeeze of lemon because it has enough citric acid. Others say it’s also an alkalizer in the body… so how can it be both?
For the past 20 years the use of multilevel marketing to sell expensive and outdated technology in the form of water electrolyzers, aka water ionizers aka water alkalizers has made it a very expensive exercise. Now there’s a far, far simpler way.
California state reservoir levels have been declared dangerously low, with residents being told to cut back their water usage drastically. There was concern that even aquifers would be milked dry, but this water crisis might soon be over due to a $1 billion dollar water desalination plant that was in the works for 20 years. […]