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The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

The more I learn about my need to be alkaline and maintain an alkaline balance, the more opens up to me…

Or should I say, the more open up to Cassie, my beloved researcher/partner?

Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection.

Aren’t they the crystals in your kidneys when you have a kidney stone?

That’s the totality of my knowledge. But.. check this quote:

We just cannot find evidence that oxalate has a beneficial reason to be high in humans, or that human metabolism ever increases making oxalate to fulfill some need.

I believe that answers come at the right time. I’ve been perplexed at the number of my vegan friends exhibiting serious inflammatory ailments, and that they seem to never get over them. When you begin to explore the spreadsheet I’m giving you here you may see an answer. A large part of a vegan diet is LOADED with oxalates. Perhaps this paragraph from the web page holds the key:

So why does nature put oxalate in plants that we might eat? Plants use oxalate to protect themselves from infection or from being eaten. Oxalate crystals can tear up the “teeth” of the bugs that eat them, and the bugs will stop and leave the plant alone! That’s why oxalate is a good protection for plants that taste good to bugs, but they are a secret surprise for larger creatures who don’t detect oxalate when they eat high oxalate foods, and who lack the ability to sense its toxicity and lack the means to protect themselves from oxalate’s effects.

This web page is what the internet is really all about.

It’s created by 3500 users, not Big Pharma, yet it has profound scientific roots. I would suggest you take a look at it.

But.. I know.
I’ve just alerted you to yet another reason you may be unhealthy, and I don’t think that’s my role.

As the founder of AlkaWay, of course, I’m looking at how our supplements and our water can help. The closest I can come to that sort of help is to reflect on the absolute need to support our natural antioxidants and to keep our body stocked up with the vital big four alkaline minerals.

I regard myself as sooo lucky to have access to our H2 water and tablets that are not antioxidants of themselves, but powerful supporters of our natural antioxidant, Glutathione.

So I’ll be continuing with my daily H2 tablets, Alkaline Booster, and – here’s an amazing thing – our lower-oxalate-than-most Greens drink!

More Info on Specific Foods.

Here’s where you decide if it’s worth your time because it isn’t that easy to get the (amazingly detailed) spreadsheet of their testing results. I am assuming that they are protecting themselves from challenges on the sources they have used. So here’s how: Go to the Oxalate Facebook group here and ask to join.

Once signed in, you need to learn who to message to be joined to the Oxalates Spreadsheet group. And… there are factoid units you must learn before they are going to bother you. It’s a serious <No Tyre kickers> Group! The Spreadsheet hugely comprehensive. Be aware, using it may cause major changes to your diet, followed by major improvements, in my own opinion, in health! I recommend downloading it into Excel where you’ll find all major food groups on different sheets, making it easier to navigate. Here’s a tempter on what might change your mind about what you eat.

Eggplant. A vegetarian staple.

(Anything with over 40mg of oxalates per 100g is regarded as bad/high/not good).
Eggplant has 275mg per litre.
Purple Sweet potato, 278mg/l.
The raw spinach we love to add to our Green smoothies? 1145mg/litre.

(You owe it to yourself to see what fave foods you are consuming that are on the list!)

Cassie, my beloved in-house health guru found this info and vouchers for it.
Let me know what you think.

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