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The Truth Behind The Alkaline Water Marketing Hype

The Truth Behind The Alkaline Water Marketing Hype

Alkaline water is a huge search term in Google world right now, and for good reason. It’s one of those things that sounds too good to be true – but it isn’t! So it’s worth revisiting the main arguments for – and against – alkaline water.

Argument #1: Alkaline Water and pH Alkaline water is simply water with a higher concentration of hydroxide ions compared to its normal state.

This means it contains more hydrogen atoms bonded together as OH-, or "hydronium" ions. Hydronium ions can be thought of as positively charged protons because their charge comes from having one extra electron.


What does pH really means?

pH stands for potential hydrogen. It measures how acidic or alkaline (AKA Basic) something is.

A pH of 1 would be very acidic; anything below 0 would be considered extremely acidic. Anything above 10 would be considered very strong alkaline, getting close to the pH of bleach.

Most liquids fall somewhere between these two extremes.

Tap water usually falls around 6.8 -7.2. This is called "neutral."

Tap water with a pH of 5 would be highly acidic. (100 times more acidic than pH7)

Tap water with a pH level of 12 would be very alkaline. (The main ingredient in household bleach is sodium hypochlorite. This is usually diluted with water to a concentration of approximately 5 percent. The pH of this solution is approximately 11).

Argument #2: Electrolysis

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Electrolysis occurs when electricity passes through water molecules causing them to split apart creating oxygen gas and hydroxide ions.

This process creates bubbles in the water. When these bubbles burst, they release energy.

There are two types of electrolysis: direct current and alternating current.

DC electrolysis uses a constant voltage source while AC electrolysis requires a variable frequency power supply. Both methods create bubbles in the water.

Argument #3 Alkalinity of Water: “Alkaline Water” Does It Have Substantial Alkalinity or not?

When we talk about alkalinity of water, we're referring to how many milligrams per liter of calcium hydroxide are present in the water.

This number is known as "total alkalinity" or TA. Total alkalinity measures the total concentration of all forms of dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates in the water. (Total alkalinity is measured using titration methods).

The alkaline water as purveyed by water ionizer vendors has been treated with electrolysis which artificially increases the pH without a corresponding increase in alkaline mineral content. So a pH 9.5 shown by a water ionizer may actually be far less and is always and only dependent on exactly how many alkaline minerals are actually dissolved in the output water – NT the pH reading!

Argument #4 Unsafe Drinking Water Because Alkaline Ionizers Don't Remove Contaminants
The only thing that neutralizes acid is alkalinity, not the water being alkaline .
If you're buying one of those expensive alkaline ionizers, you need to understand what they do. Very few remove contaminants like heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, etc., from your tap water. But they don't actually change the chemistry of your water.

Why Alkaline Ionizers Are An Expensive Proposition And What You Can Do Instead
Electric ionizers don't have sophisticated technology and they have very limited filtration, which sellers usually overhype or ignore, hoping you won’t ask. . The truth is, most alkaline ionizers are made for between $3000 and $6000 per unit.

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Luckily, there are alternatives that provide natural alkaline water, filter far, far more effectively over a wide range of modern contaminants, and additionally, infuse molecular hydrogen into the water. These sell for around 1/10th of the price of the top end electric multilevel sold devices and yet outperform them where it matters.

Don’t take the salesman’s word for it. Do your research and be prepared to save thousands of dollars!

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