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Underarm deodorants with underhand ingredients

underarmA chemical found in deodorants, face creams and food products has been discovered in the tumours of ALL breast cancer patients. 

The study, published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, took 160 tumour samples from mastectomy patients and 99% of them were found to contain at least one paraben. 

Hmmm…what the most alarming thing here? 

The fact that there is such a strong link between breast cancer and parabens… or the fact that this link was discovered back in 1998 — and several studies since — yet nothing has been done to prevent their use. 
14 years on and the cosmetics industry is still using parabens as cheap ingredients in their creams, deodorants, toothpastes… 

The food industry is still using them to prolong the shelf life of their products…

Ian: What do we use at home? Probably the best underarm deodorant we’ve ever had. Coco oil with bicarb. Works a treat.

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