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Alkaline water and High pH Water

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What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline Water contains alkaline minerals.

You may have seen it in health food stores. Some companies are now delivering it to 7-11s!

It’s the buzzword of the healthy trend set, but is it good for you and do you need to buy it?

Few people realise that most people’s home water supply is already alkaline. It’s alkaline because the water supply is naturally alkaline, or the local water authority has added calcium carbonate to it to make it slightly alkaline. They do this to avoid acidic water eating away at old copper pipes. Here in Australia, water authorities are advising all homeowners  to run their kitchen taps for 30 seconds every morning to get rid of acidic residues or lead dissolved by chlorine in the water.)

Depending upon its actual pH levels, it is healthy water, as evidenced by the metastudy downloadable 100 studies.

Should you buy alkaline water?

We’d recommend you check with your local water supply first. If the pH of your water is over pH 8, don’t bother. Save the plastic!

pH Water

You’ll also see some water advertised as ‘pH water. It’s a name concocted by marketers who just don’t understand or care to understand what pH water is – and what Alkaline Water is.

‘pH’ is an abbreviation of the French ‘Per Hydrogene‘. It denotes a measurement of the amount of hydrogen in water. ‘pH water’ actually means ‘measurement of hydrogen water’.

So… summarizing… pH water is water with hydrogen in it. But it need not be high in alkaline minerals.

This form of water is generated by our UltraStream. (The most comprehensively tested water hydrogen system in the world, easily outperforming water ionizers eight times the price at normal flow rates). Unlike so-called water alkalizers that produce high pH water but cannot alkalinise water (add alkaline minerals) the UltraStream also has raw magnesium and calcium in the filter, giving both high pH and true Alkaline Water.

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