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How To Use pH Test Strips

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How to Perform a Urine pH Testph test strips demo

To perform a urine test with the AlkaWay test strips, The test strips use a pH-sensitive, colour-coded test strip to reveal your body pH balance status. Do NOT place test strips in your mouth.

To perform a urine test;

  • Start with the first urine in the morning before eating or drinking,
  • After a steady stream has started, wet the test strips 3 colour pads for 1-2 seconds,
  • Gently shake off any excess fluid on the test strip and wait 15 seconds,
  • Compare/match the colour of your test strip with the colour chart provided on the bottle label,
  • The number that corresponds to the colour-matched pads is the pH reading.

The lower your pH value below 7.0, the greater your degree of acid stress. Continue testing and recording your pH for a few weeks first thing in the morning, afternoon, and at bedtime (This will show your body pH trend).

What does a urine pH test do?

The pH of the urine indicates how the body is working to maintain the proper pH of the blood. The urine reveals the alkaline building (anabolic) and acid tearing down (catabolic) cycles. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs, and gonads to regulate body pH balance through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 for its extremes, but the ideal range is 6.5 to 7.0+. Urinary pH tends to be lower in the morning and higher in the evening. The pH of the urine can vary widely. The pH of urine is also affected by the biochemicals that the body is eliminating. These include biochemicals such as excess minerals, vitamins, and products of metabolism and also include drugs and toxins being eliminated by the body.

The pH of the urine is not as affected by digestive enzymes as salivary pH. However, the pH of the urine can be affected by:

  • The food you eat
  • Preservatives you eat
  • How much water you drink
  • Pollutants you breathe.
  • The stress you encounter.
  • How much rest you get.
  • The number of pathogens in your system.
  • All the biochemical activities going on in your body.

How to Perform the Saliva pH Test

To perform this simple test, AlkaWay test strips, a plastic spoon, and some fresh saliva. The test strips use a pH-sensitive, colour-coded test strip to reveal your body pH balance status. For the saliva test.

DO NOT place tests strips in your mouth;ph test strips demo

  • Be sure not to eat, drink, or brush your teeth for 30 minutes before the test,
  • Swallow a couple of times to clear the mouth and stimulate new saliva,
  • Then discharge some saliva into a plastic spoon,
  • Dip the test strip pad into the saliva in the spoon for 1-2 seconds,
  • It is recommended NOT to touch the pH test strip pads to your tongue due to the chemicals in pads,
  • Remove the test strip from the saliva in the spoon and wait for 15 seconds,
  • Compare/match the colour of your test strip with the colour chart provided on the bottle label,
  • The number that corresponds to the colour-matched pads is the pH reading.

The lower your pH value below 7.0, the greater your degree of acid stress. Continue testing and recording your pH for a few weeks first thing in the morning, afternoon, and at bedtime (This will show your body pH trend). While generally more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood (if not around meals) and is also a fairly good indicator of health. It tells us what the body retains.

Optimal pH for saliva is above 7.2 to 8.4. A reading consistently lower than 6.8 is indicative of possible insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH should rise to 7.8 or higher. Unless this occurs, the body has alkaline mineral deficiencies (mainly Calcium and Magnesium) and will not assimilate food very well. To deviate from ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness. If your saliva stays between 6.8 and 7.2+ pH all day, your body is functioning within a healthy range. If the early morning salivary pH remains above 6.8, people usually see many of their problems disappearing.

What does the Saliva & Urine pH Test Accomplishph test strips 300x373 1

The ideal urine and saliva pH pattern is 7.2 on awakening, 6.8 to 7.2 before eating, and 7.2 to 8.5 following an alkaline meal or drink. Your saliva should be slightly alkaline to begin the pre-digestive process. Testing your saliva and Urine pH can give you an early indication and warning that your body is or becoming acidic. In general, if your body’s alkaline pH level is constantly below 7.0, your body is acidic and may be lacking the necessary mineral buffers to handle any acids in its system.

Monitoring your saliva and urine pH puts the responsibility of caring for your health back into your hands. You should monitor your saliva and urine each day for at least 12 weeks or until you establish your balanced pH at 7.2. Once you have established a balanced saliva and urine pH at 7.2 you can reduce the number of tests to once a day or 2 to 3 times a week.

The pH of the urine varies throughout the day but is generally more acid than that of saliva. The saliva is a filtrate of the blood secreted in the mouth designed to enhance digestion. Saliva pH is generally higher than urine, as excess acids are excreted in the urine.

A pH test strip is a quick and accurate way to check if a water-based liquid is acidic or alkaline (basic). Just about every liquid you encounter on a daily basis is acidic or basic. Whether you are a teacher or a student taking chemistry, electroplating metal or making sushi or salsa, you need to be aware of pH. This blog will help you choose the right pH test strip for the job. (

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