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Water Filtration Overview

Water Ionizer vendors as a whole have very little experience in the water filter industry. That’s why most alkaline water ionizer vendors have been able to offer only very basic filtration with a very expensive water ionizer. At AlkaWay we’ve always understood that pure water is the base – the foundation of health. We are […]

Alkaline Diet and Health

The Alkaline Diet has had a somewhat varied history. The basic science is sound. It is (in a nutshell) the following: One should endeavour to consume more alkali-forming foods and less acid-forming foods. Acid or alkaline-forming food is one that causes acid or alkalise to be added to the net acid/alkaline balance in the body. […]

Molecular Hydrogen Introduction

The Actions of Hydrogen in the Body Molecular Hydrogen has now emerged as a ‘surprising’ molecule with broad therapeutic potential. Over 1000 scientific studies indicate there may be a beneficial effect for over 150 conditions including fatigue, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cardiovascular function. Hydrogen: the simplest, smallest, and most abundant element […]

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