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AlkaWay's Terms and Conditions

This is the least favourite part of our site, but necessary none the less.

In the interests of world peace, love and disarmament, and so that there can be no misunderstanding, we need to go on record with the following:

Disclaimer and Terms of Use

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    1A. Statements and information regarding Alkalisers, books and any products mentioned within this site have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
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We would also like to say that bringing interesting new products with value to the open-minded is our mission. We sincerely hope you find something positive here and as always, we value your comments and suggestions.

As a buyer, you agree that you have examined what you have read on this site, have had the opportunity to compare information here with other information from other sources, and that the decision you make to purchase or not purchase is based on ample evidence and your own freedom of choice, and is not the result of coercion in any form.

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